The paint was becoming dry on the palette. Wild, dry colors that were used not long ago for an art project due the following week. Taehyung was tired from being up for hours on end, perfecting the painting of a random man. Making abstract lines to cover up the now hidden face. He had no idea who he was, but felt drawn to paint him or at least this 'idea' of him.
He sat on his stool next to the easel where the painting was, holding a brush, still having no clue on the next shapes to add. The brush was dry with no paint, yet he waited patiently for some small amount of inspiration. Suddenly his front door to his apartment bangs open. Jimin, Taehyung's best friend, stood in front of it. Panting, hands on his knees trying to catch his breath
"Are you ok, Why did you just kick down my door?" Taehyung questions, with a hint of worry in his voice.
"Tae...." he starts, "You will not believe what I just won." starting to the fridge to get some water after seemingly running from wherever he was, Taehyung questions Jimin with less worry now.
"What?.... "
Jimin being Jimin, who is shamelessly eccentric and enthusiastic begins talking fast about some concert and a radio station. Taehyung didn't understand anything he was saying.
"Whoa pal, slow down!" He interjects, shutting up the very loud Jimin.
"OK so, I called one of those radio stations..." Taehyung just nods and waits for Jimin to continue when he finishes the swig of the water from the now empty bottle.
"And it was for an upcoming concert-- this Friday- for the one and only Jungkook..." Jimin waits to hear some sort of excitement from Taehyung, but he just sits still on his stool, turning to face the painting again. still trying to find some inspiration for the man he was creating with his brush. Jimin resumes his story without a care, after seeing Tae's lack of interest, he could be excited for the both of them.
" I didn't really think I would be the 20th caller..." Jimin gets up, taking Taehyung's shirt collar in his hands, shaking him about. " But I was." He says repeatedly.
"Anygays..." he calms himself down. Running his hands through his short red hair, backing up to sit on another stool. " I WON 2 TICKETS TO THE JUNGKOOK CONCERT!!" Jimin exclaims. Tae gets startled by his best friend's volume and returns his attention back on him.
"Is he that idol you are currently in love with?" Taehyung asks.
"Um... yes, obvi." he playfully responds. "He is like the top artist worldwide right now... why aren't you more excited? I'm taking you with me."
"I'm going with you to the concert?" Taehyung slowly questions. 'Why would I go?' He says to himself.
"Because you are my Bestie... Hello?... Does the word SOULMATE mean nothing to you?" Jimin says rhetorically.
"But I don't even like him.... Either way I have to finish my assignment, It's due next week on Monday. I'm not even close to being finished."
"WAIT... you don't like Jungkook?"
"What?...I don't understand the hype, I mean he sings and dances fine like other idol's. What's so special." Taehyung says blatantly.
Jimin is now putting on a confused look. 'Who even is Taehyung? How are they friends? He doesn't like Jungkook?' are the only thoughts flooding his head.
"As your one and only soulmate, I will pretend you didn't just say that...." Jimin says in a certain ' i hate you, but i love you' tone. "Jungkook has the best music and is sooo hot. It's like he is seducing his audience on such a personal level...WE GET TO SEE IT LIVE!" Jimin expresses flirtingly while inching closer to Taehyung. The other pushes him back slightly annoyed on how obsessed Jimin has been with Jungkook recently.
"I know 'he's so hot and sexy' you say it all the time." Tae mocks him. "And you have shown me the 'glorious' fan cams." Jimin sighs in response, knowing he is being mocked. He starts to stare at his phone checking his email. The radio station said they would email him the information about the tickets.
"So be ready at six, I'll tell Jin we will go eat at his restaurant before the concert...okay?" Tae just nods knowing full well he won't be able to get out of this. How bad can it be? Jungkook really wasn't a horrible artist or anything. Tae just didn't like his angsty persona he gives off with his music. He sings to a certain targeted audience that Tae wasn't a part of; and isn't planning on being a part of anytime soon.
"Oh, also..." Jimin starts before walking out of Tae's apartment, head poking in the door frame. "The tickets also include backstage passes," Jimin swoons, "WE GET TO MEET JUNGKOOK!"
"YAY" Taehyung groans.

Can you stay-- Taekook-kookv
RomanceJimin gets tickets for Idol Jungkook's Korea concert and forces his best friend to tag along... - "Gotcha." Jungkook surprised him with two arms wrapping around his waist from behind. "Ahh, stopp..." Taehyung squeals, finding the touch a little tic...