Shane and Lisa

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" Finally finished editing this weeks video " I said to Lisa ( she had seem to very uncomfortable, but being 9 months pregnant I didn't really think anything of it. ) she looked at me, with that scared but excited look "It's time! "UM UM OKAY STAY CALM! WE ARE FINE! ITS ALL FINE! I... I... IM JUST GONNA... UM L- " " Shane, can you just shut your fuc**** mouth and drive me to the hospital" It was at that moment I felt pretty stupid. I mean for God sake there wasn't a baby coming out my penis now was there. After about another 5 minutes of panicking I got in the car and took Lisa to the hospital. It took 17 hours. 17 fuc**** hours for that sucker to pop out, but it was all worth it! On September 12th, 2018 Makaela Chloe Dawson was born. Lisa was a sleep, I on the other hand was freaking out. What if she turns out like Miley Cyrus, or Amanda Bynes. I walked toward Makaela. She was beautiful, she had her mothers eyes. I just sat there, with her in my arms, promising that I would love her forever.

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