Chapter 1

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*AGRHAFHFA this is going to be the worst fanfic you have ever read in ur liffeee

Yutas pov---

Aoi invited me to a school festival, apparently everybody who goes to Hope's Peak Academy is invited to it and everybody who goes there allowed to bring someone. 

(i friggin hate this already)

I knew a person at my school whose friend goes to Hope Peak. I wonder if they will be there.

I didn't even know his name, nor anything about him ether. His friend is supposedly the ultimate biker gang leader, but those are just rumors at my school. 

*time skip tooo the festival/// 

"Hey Yuta',  I'm going to meet up with my girlfriend Sakura, if you want to come let me know, okay"! And then Aoi went running, so I decided to play some of the carnival games they had there.  After about 2 hours of playing I saw someone on the ground, they look like they got hurt so I decided to help them. When walking over there I thought they looked familiar but only a little bit. When I tapped their shoulder they turned and asked "What?" And I realized who that  person is, it's the person whose name I was wonder! I can finally ask them! "hey um... are you hurt, if not why are you on the ground?" I asked "oh yeah I tripped and scraped my knee." he said calmly. 

"Oh I know where the infirmary is,' would you like me to walk you there?" I spoke concerned " Oh yeah could you? ' by the way my name is yukimaru Takemichi, sorry I never got to introduce myself."  Yukimaru said. I simply responded with "Oh yeah my name is Yuta Asahina." 

*le time skip to when Yuta is walking Yukimaru to the infirmary*


 When I was walking Yukimaru to the infirmary I felt a strange feeling in my stomach, it wasn't a stomach ache or anything like that, and it actually felt like butterflies, y'know the kind you get when your around your crush. But WHY do I have butterflies in my stomach I thought I was straight! It probably looks like I have butterflies in my stomach also! I am legit a blushing mess! W-What if he notices! I mean he probably isn't gay and I'm probably not ether! 

"Hey Yuta are you okay? Your face looks kinda red" Yukimaru asked concerned obviously "O-oh yeah I'm fine don't worry about it! Its probably just because of how hot it is outside." I said  trying to cover up the fact that I was clearly NOT OKAY "Are you sure? I really don't think your okay" Yukimaru asked again, clearly not believing what I said

Yukimarus pov--  

I still didn't believe him. So I put my hand on his forehead checking his temperature,  and when I say he was burning hot I mean like FUCKING FIRE HOT. My knee was pretty much was fine at this point, and I am pretty strong, so without warning I picked Yuta up, bridal style and continued to carry him to the infirmary.

Yutas pov--

I don't think he believed me, so he put a hand on my forehead to check my temperature of course, and if I told you I would rather die than be there again, I AM TELLING THE TRUTH. It was so embarrassing I blushed like 10 times harder and the butterflies legit went  📈📈📈. He also must have thought that I was sick so he picked me up, and I honestly could have fallen asleep in his arms, I felt so safe and warm there. But all things come to a end, and I must have not even realized that we entered the infirmary, but the next thing I knew is that I was lying in bed with Yukimaru by my side. The nurse walks over and asks what is wrong then takes my temp etc. "Hey um here is my number call me if you need help or anything." Yukimaru rushed while handing me piece of paper. He then proceeded to run out of the building. Just as he was rushing out my sister came rushing into the building along with her girlfriend sakura, whom which I need to meet and introduce myself too. She immediately rushed over to me and asked if I was okay, I of course responded with yes and then proceeded to ask the nurse a bunch of questions. While Aoi was busy with that I looked over to Sakura, she was surprisingly strong and I considered if she was male or female for a minute honestly.

I  didn't wanna ask Aoi about the experiencence I just had with Yukimaru because she was already worried that I was sick, in which I did feel sick, but love sick instead

Yuta Asahina x Yukimaru Takemichi (yutamaru)Where stories live. Discover now