Chapter 60

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Fire can burn you yet when you are a child that sees it for the first time, ignorant about the world, no matter how much they warn you to not touch it, you still end up reaching your hand to it and burning yourself. 

The memory of pain will stay and protect you so you never get burned again, however through your life, when you come across fire again, you might find yourself lured to touch it again. You reach out for the warmth it can provide, despite the fact that you are no longer ignorant and you know that if you go too deep, that warmth is gonna gift you pain.

Is it because our skin heals, is it because we forget the pain we went through, is it because at the end we see the scar that the flames left us with, as something small that we end up still longing for fire? Or is it that despite how many times you have reached out to it, you are hoping that one day, it won't burn you?

Embracing flames was always gonna be risky for they will never change yet maybe when it comes to love, people take on the risk to embrace it again, for, unlike fire, love disguises itself with new faces and bodies each time. A different individual, a different personality, a different soul yet no matter who you love, is love itself that burns you and not the individual that is the target of your love. 

It is those feelings you grow for someone, that the deeper they get, the riskier it can be for the individual that is feeling them, for he who falls for someone, is the one that walked in the middle of the flames, expecting and trusting that the fire surrounding him, won't burn him to ashes. It's that trust that makes the act of falling possible. It's that slip of insanity for only a crazy person can throw himself in the fire of love, in blind faith that they will be embraced by its warmth instead of burned.

Was there anyone who has fallen in love and could claim themselves to be absolutely sane? Was there someone who would willingly taste the blade of a hundred swords, only to fall in love with the pain of a certain one so much that they would be willing to get sliced as many times if it meant that they were gonna feel only the blade of that same sword?

Whoever had said that love was sweet, they had not tasted true love, and whoever said that love was warm, they had never fallen deep enough, for there is no love that has no sadness and pain but it's love, only when you are aware of it fully and chose it for what it truly is, willing to go through it all, with the person you deem worthy.

They could hurt you and you would be thankful that it's them that hurt you and none other, they could burn you and you would be happy for it was a scar given from them that will forever remain on your skin. They could tear you and put you back together and through the whole process you would be thankful they are staying.

Would anyone call him sane if he was to speak of these thoughts that were swirling his mind as he watched you seated on his bed, under his covers, while he stood by the doorframe, leaning on it as if he was frozen in time?

His phone was still in his hand as after you had returned to Jimin's apartment, he had gotten a call and had left you to get ready for bed on your own and so you had done, still smiling as you couldn't help but recall all the fun you had tonight with your friends. 

The way Taehyung kept Sira close for the rest of the night after their little dance and the way Jungkook kept making comments about how he seemed like a concurred king. The way Areum kept speaking as if she was an advertisement promoting Jungkook as a vitamin that could make you smarter, and the way Jimin kept calling them a bunch of drunkards that are worse when they are sobber, had you smiling wildly as if you were still listening to their waves of laughter.

That bright smile of yours which you were unaware that had stunned Jimin by the doorstep enough to make his thoughts dive deep enough to admit to his own self that he was insane for you, for he had fallen in love and had placed himself in the middle of that fire, blindly believing that he will never be burned by you.

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