Chapter 1

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Daniel was just let out of the hospital, sighing with relieve. He hated being there as much as he had to be. Now what was he going to do? Xemüg is going to be so upset he failed him! No matter, maybe he could have some redemption? Ah yes. He thought. I could revisit the camp! No one would suspect a think of it. He knew David would immediately accept him in and believe every word he says. That's just how david is. So naive. How was a hard worker so naive to everyone? As thoughts filled his head, he realized he had reached the camp. Walking up to the consulors cabin, looking both ways, making sure no campers saw, he knocked on the door. The door swung open. He saw the brunette smilling. "Oh? Daniel, what are you doing here? " He asked.

"The doctors let me leave, " Daniel said. He smiled menacingly. "Okay! Well did you need something?" This was his chance to get back into camp. "Of course I did, silly!" He teased. David looked up at his blue ocean eyes. "You can tell, or ask, me anything!" The blonde nodded as he proceeded to tell David about coming back to camp. The brunette's head purked up. "That would be wonderful! I'll be happy to have you here! I'm sure Gwen- wouldn't mind!" Placing his hand on Daniel's shoulder.

Daniel smirked. He really IS that naive. He thought. "Thank you David!" He said smiling, his teeth were so clean. "Anytime Daniel! I'll go let Gwen know your back." Daniel nodded as David ran out the door. Now alone, he walked out. He searched for the campers. Finally seeing Max. Neil and Nikki were with Max as well. Neil looks up from what they were doing and notices Daniel. "Uhh.. Max?" He says, nudging the boy. "What Neil?!" He was clearly annoyed at the shoving, as he was trying to focus.

"You might wanna turn around..." He said. Max turned around, seeing him. "What the.. FUCK!" Max yelled. He stood up and walked over to Daniel. "Oh, hello Max!" He smiled. "What the fuck are you doing here?! I thought you died or some shit." The blonde chuckled. "Oh Max, you really are clever. But I merely was in the hospital." Angry, Max starts to shout. "Who the fuck let you in!" Nikki and Neil ran to alert David. As Daniel smiled, "One certain name, David." He said. Right.. Max thought. Fuck, David was too naive to figure out his first intentions! Looks like it's up to me to fix this. "Get the fuck out!" Hearing the commotion, David ran over.

"What's going on?" He asked. "I heard shouting, and cursing!" Max angrily walked up to the confused consulor, and glared at him. "Why the fuck did you let the cultist back in!" David frowned. "Language.." Max hated how David didn't see right through Daniel. "Dammit David! How can't you see?! This is a FUCKING CULTIST! He shouldn't be here!" David starts feeling bad for Daniel. "Daniel, I am so sorry about their bad behavior! I hope it's okay?" Daniel shrugged. "It's fine, I guess." David seemed relieved. As hours passed, it was soon nighttime. David was busy with getting the campers to bed. But the question was, where was Daniel going to sleep? After David finished attending to the campers, he walked back towards Daniel. "Alright.. Time for bed." Daniel smiles, as usual. "Where shall I sleep?" He asked.

"Oh! Come with me!" He says, grabbing Daniel's arm and running towards his cabin. David stopped running when they reached the door. Daniel knew it was David's cabin. But why were they there? Weren't they going to figure out a place for him? "Alright Daniel, this is my cabin. You can stay here until I figure out where you can. The blonde nodded. "But I don't have a bed, David. How will I sleep?" David giggled. "You can sleep in my bed! I'll sleep on the couch for a few days." He nods, sitting on David's bed. David layed down on the couch with a blanket and a tree log in both his hands.

"Goodnight Daniel!" Before he could respond back, he had heard snoring. Possibly from David. Daniel grew a big smile upon his face. This was the perfect moment to kill David. Since he was mostly his problem. Considering he ruined his plans last time. He goes in front of the couch and stairs at him. He knew what he was supposed to do, but damn, he was cute sleeping. What was he saying? He's supposed to kill David in order to hypnotize the entire camp once again. He heard David repeating tree names in his sleep. He starts to find this sleeping technique adorable. Stay focused Daniel! He thought. He reached for the log in David's hands and takes it away. David whimpers as his comfort thing was taken away. Now, it was time to end this joyful consulor. He grabs his dagger out of his pocket, sliding it out.

He walked close up to David, dagger in hand. He presses the tip of the dagger against David's chest. David winces. It seems like his heart sped up. Daniel felt some what, hesitation. Why was he hesitating? He finally gets revenge on these idiots, why can't he do it? He removes the knife off of David's chest, putting it away. He was about to walk away when David grabs Daniel's hand and pulls him next to him. The blondie's face went red. David must think he's the log!

Daniel tries to squeeze out of David's grip. But it was no use. The consulor was not gonna let go. Feeling defeated, he relaxes his tension he once had before. His blush calms down. He gets tired, closing his eyes. He started to drift off into a deep sleep..

(I did this in class during free time. I know this won't get a lot of views but I was bored sooo...)

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