Flirty and touchy Vi x Reader

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You and Vi had been dating for about a year now, and it was safe to say that it was the best time of your life. You absolutely loved everything about her. The way she always needed to be close with you and always needed to be touching you. Whether that was simply holding your hand or hugging you or even having you in her lap. She had taken a huge liking to making you flustered by flirting with you or using cheesy pick up lines on you. She would randomly pin you to the wall and ask you 'Are you my math homework? Because I want to slam you on my kitchen table and do you all night long~'

Today you and Vi were going out to a club together to just forget about reality for a few hours and have fun. You always enjoyed these kinds of nights with Vi, you could just forget about the harsh world and think about her and you together like it was the only thing that mattered. 

You were changing in your room and getting ready when you heard the door open and Vi's familiar footsteps coming closer. You felt her draw closer followed by her strong arms around your waist and her chin resting on the top of your head. You heard her sigh slightly and hold you closer. You smiled at her actions and you continued fixing your make up. 

"Hey Vi" 

"Hi cupcake, you look amazing" 

"Thank you, you're not to bad yourself" 

Vi smiled and kissed your head a few times, making you turn slightly red. You finished putting on your eyeliner and turned around in Vi's arms to face her. She smirked and kissed you softly. You smiled and poked her nose softly. She blushed a bit, before taking your hand in hers and walking out of the room with you. 

She picked up her famous red jacket and pulled it on over her outfit that consisted out of a pair of jeans with rips in them and a white shirt. You thought she looked absolutely hot even in such a simple outfit. Vi picked up your coat and held it up so you could put it on. You inserted your arms in the sleeves of your jacket and turned back to face Vi.

"Let's go" you said with a smile.

"After you mi'lady" 

The two of you headed to the club where you were going to party. The guards outside checked the both of you for anything dangerous and then let you in. You were greeted by the smell of alcohol and headed to the bar to get yourself something to drink. Vi followed suit, still holding your hand. 

You ordered your drink and Vi ordered hers. The bartender slid the two drinks across the bar table into your hands. You took a sip of your drink and Vi copied your actions. You heard a song start to play that you enjoyed and you tugged on Vi's sleeve.

"Can we dance?" 

"Yeah sure cupcake" 

You guided Vi to the dance floor and started moving your body to the beat. Vi blushed at the sight and started dancing slightly too. She was never much of a dancer, she much more enjoyed watching you dance instead of doing it herself. 

You were half way into the song when Vi noticed some men staring at you. She narrowed her eyes slightly. She had never liked the attention you got. Not that she didn't agree, you were hot as hell and almost impossible not to stare at. However, she always felt slightly self conscious when she saw other people stare at you. Vi would think she wasn't good enough or pretty enough to deserve you. Of course people would stare at someone as beautiful as you, she felt like she didn't deserve someone as beautiful and perfect as you, since she saw herself as incredibly imperfect. She needed to do something about these staring guys. She needed to show them that you were unavailable. Not just unavailable, you were hers. Only hers, and she needed to show it to the world. No matter the cost.  

You noticed Vi narrowing her eyes at someone and her attitude dropping slightly. You took her hand and guided her off the dance floor.

"Hey, everything okay?" you asked her. You felt her hands on your hips and you noticed her walking forward. You stumbled back a bit until you felt the wall behind you. Vi placed her hand next to your head on the wall and stared into your eyes. 

"You're hot cupcake" she said with a flirty tone. Your knees went weak at her words and your cheeks went as pink as Vi's hair. Vi put her other hand under your chin and lifted your face more towards hers. 

"And you're mine." 

You lost it at those 3 words. Your face was as red as a tomato and you couldn't formulate a single word. Vi smirked at your reaction and took this opportunity to kiss you. She kissed you slowly, making sure the guys that were staring at you earlier could see every single moment of her lips against yours. She claimed you as hers. No one else could have you but her. Your face turned an even deeper shade of red, if that was even possible. The music filled your ears as Vi kissed you passionately. Her scent filled your nose. All the sensations at once nearly made you see stars. You felt Vi's hand move from your chin to your hips. Your hands moved from beside to the back of her head. Your entangled your fingers in her pink hair and pulled her closer.

You had no idea how much time had passed before you pulled away, panting for breath. You saw Vi smirking as you gasped for air. You watched as she leaned in close once again and brushed her lips against yours, sending a new shockwave of butterflies through your stomach. 

"Aren't you just a cutie. Hm?" you hear her say against your lips. 

You failed to reply and just pulled her back in and kissed her once again. Vi was caught off guard by your sudden action. She turned red as you took over dominance this time. The two of you subtly made out, unaware of the time, the people around you or what anyone thought of it. The only thing that mattered was the two of your. Your lips moving in sync against each other. Your bodies pressed against each other. Your hands in her hair, her hands on your hips. Neither of you gave a single fuck about people who stared anymore, you both knew very damn well that you belonged to each other. No one could get between what the two of you had. No one could. If they thought they could, they were very mistaken.

The bond the two of your formed together was something everyone wished they had, something everyone longed for.

The bond some called 'true love'.



I hope you enjoyed :)

I wanted to say a quick thank you for all of your support, I really appreciate it!

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night

Make sure to get some rest :)

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