Episode 1

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Hey y'all! This is my very first story! I'm really into like scary stuff and scary books so with this I  decided to make a scary story as so y'all can learn more about me! Enjoy!!! 

  Ella: Once upon a time there were two people walking around a mysterious building.

Brian: We didn't know what to do. "Should we walk over there and say something?" 

Ella didn't reply back. 

Brian:Ella? Hello? Ella,where'd you go? Ella!

Ella was nowhere to be found. Brian started getting worried and went home to get some sleep.

Back to Ella's POV:

Ella: Where am I?

Dangerous Monster (aka Monday): in the  dark deep realm of...MONDAY

Ella: what are you talking about?

Monday: you have been chosen to join the army. Tomorrow at 5 am meet me right here. Your dorm is right there. See you in...7 hours.

Ella: Where's Brian?

Monday: He doesn't deserve to be with you anymore! He will life his normal life as for you...well...you're dying. 

Ella: What? No! I want Brian! Bring him here or let me go! I'm not leaving him! I love him! And I never got the chance to tell him that! So please I'm begging you. Let me go! 

Monday:Hmmmm....let me think about it...I'll get back to you tomorrow.

Ella: No! Either you make up your mind now or I just bust myself out of here! Choose one!

Monday: Well since I can't really afford to buy new crap I guess I'll make my mind up now. 

Ella: So...can I leave?

Monday: Fine but I need Brian in 24 hours. 

Ella: Fine! But you have to let me go now. Deal.

Monday: deal!

Ella leaves the room. She sees a random portal.

Ella: Where does this lead to?

Monday: That's how to get to your house.

Ella: Oh. Okay!

Monday: be sure to remind Brian about coming here! If you don't you have to go with him and you can die together.

Ella: oh no! I can't have that happen! Brian is probably so worried about me! Ok! I'll do it.

Monday:you got yourself a deal!

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