⋆·˚ ༘ * cuddling

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it was a pretty cold winter night, and Jake and Devon were snuggled up in blankets. Devon's head rested on Jake's chest, while they both appreciated the calmness of the night.

"Devon?" Jake began, making sure if he was awake or not.

"Yes, love?"

"I love you." Jake responded, a soft smile appearing on his lips.

"I love you, too." Devon smiled back, snuggling into his chest. It was one of those nights, one of those calm nights where it was just them, admiring each other.

 It was one of those nights, one of those calm nights where it was just them, admiring each other

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— so i think they switch a lot between being the big spoon and the little spoon
— when Devon's big spoon, he mostly just plays with Jake's hair
— when Jake's big spoon, he hugs him pretty tight, not too tight to crush him tho lol
— they just like being close with each other
— kisses on the foreheads yup!!
—  i think devon falls asleep before jake does tbhhh
—  they don't cuddle a lot in the summer time cause...it's too damn hot outside but sometimes they still do
— so yeah, they in loveeee

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