how to get a girlfriend

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In this book you will learn how to get a girl to like you and get a girlfriend for prom,dates,dances,etc. Follow these steps and you will have a girlfriend or get a girl interested in you.

Step 1) just be yourself girls love it when you are yourself if not than that girl will NOT like you because girls like honesty and boys that like girls DO THIS RIGHT IF NOT YOU WILL NOT GET A GIRL

Step 2) you will know if a girl likes you if she hangs out with you,ask questions about what you are doing, or if she laughs with a friend while she looks at you, and if she ASKS you out or ASKS you for your phone number.

BONUS: if you and "her" are good friends than you will most likely have a good relationship.

Step 3) take things slow........ If a friend of hers tells you this " you should ask her out because she likes you " just say "no me and her are JUST friends " then at night time form a dance (if she is up and you have her phone # ) tell her you had a fun time!and than a friend came up to you and told you that she likes you by texting her by saying "I had a great time but one of your friends came up to me and said " you should ask her out because she likes you" is this true, DO NOT JUST SAY THIS IN THE BEGINNING OF A CONVO IF U DO THIS SHE WILL FREAK OUT OK THANKS, then if she says yes that she likes then ask her to be your girlfriend ,if she not than find a different girl and go back to step 1.

Step 4) you now have to be careful because you want to ask her out to the movies and watch a pg or pg-13 movie so if she says yes to a date( you MUST buy her popcorn )

Step 5) at the movies you want to SLOWLY put your hand near her hand then put your hand on her hand so that she thinks that you care about her.

Step 6) when you guys are done with the movie ask your dad to come pick you up with her to take her home or if u have a car then that's the best choice

Step 7) the next day stop by her and ask how was the movie and so other questions

Step 8) now you are ready a relationship with her and you

Step 9) if she breaks up with you than take it as a sign that " this might help you in the future "

~~~~results may very~~~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2013 ⏰

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