Sick - Gabe 💗

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It's 5:36 in the morning you roll over to hug Gabe but you realize you were hugging nothing. You then walk out to the room to see Gabe by the bathroom toilet throwing up, you then reach over to him. He was shirtless, you were patting his back and his back was so hot, you then said " Gabe, are you okay?, your back is so hot!" He said nothing.

You then said " Why don't you take a cold shower to cool off and I'll leave you medicine in the room" he then replied " Okay, can you get me clothes?" In a low voice you then finally said " sure anything you need!" You were worried for Gabe, he never been so sick before when you started dating him 4 years ago.

You then finally got clothes for him,beside a shirt Gabe doesn't like sleeping with his shirts on. You got things that will make him feel comfortable, you knocked on the door with his clothes in your hand.

He opened the bathroom door you took a look at his hair at it was not wet yet you then thought to yourself <He was probably waiting on his clothes> You then head the water running.

You went back to bed you were tired but wanted to wait for Gabe to come out the shower. After 30 minutes passed, Gabe seen the medicine by the night stand and he took it he had a disgusted look on his face due to the medicine.

He had his dirty clothes in his arms and walked over to the basket where the dirty clothes were and dropped his clothes in there, then walked back to the bed.

He then said " Are you awake?"
You just then replied back with a "mmhmm"

He went then later himself on the bed not putting the covers on which toy understood why.

You then said " Come over here"  Gabe lied on your chest he started to get hit by your shirt. He asked "Can you take off your shirt?" In a soft voice

You glared at him giving him a serious face, he looked back at you. Gabe then said " please! It's making me hot!" With that you took his off your chest and pulled off your shirt.

You then laid him back on you. You feel him hot body against your, you didn't mind minutes later you noticed he started to cool off very slowly.

Gabe and you were still awake not being able to fall back asleep. You then started to run your fingers through his fluffy hair.

After you doing that to him for 10 minutes you feel snoring for his mouth you laughed at him and you fell back to.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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