▪︎ Nine ▪︎

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As Deena rushes towards the bathroom where Josh and the possessed Sam was, the rest of them rushing to the car. 

"We have to go. NOW!" Deena stupidly unties Sam not realising that the girl was even stronger than she was before. Sam jumps on top of the girl attempting to strangle her and she did for a couple a seconds until BAM! 

Ziggy kicks her foot into Sam's face knocking her down and out. Josie staring at the girl in admiration as they look down at the possessed Sam. "Been wanting to do that all day." 

"Nice one Ziggy." Josie pats Ziggy's shoulder before helping her best friend lift the knocked out girl into the back of the cop cruiser.  

They all zoom towards a close friend of Josie's, the cop cruisers lights shining against every house they pass. "Are we sure about this?" 

At Ziggy's question, Josie smirks "Yeah Marty is the guy for this." Looking ahead they all see a lanky man in a grey hoodie smoking a joint. "Use the sirens i wanna freak him out." 

"Hey Yo i wasn't doing nothing." He held his arms up around his neck, kneeling on his porch. The windows roll down and he sees his little friend sitting on top of the dude from the cop shop. "Damn Jo. Why you gotta play me like that?"

Laughing as he looked relieved. "Marty we are in dire need of your assistance." 

"Wanna help us kill Sheriff Goode?" Josie stops her playfulness, leaning into her friend who smiled at her sadly. 

"Let me get my coat." He walks into his house before rushing back out with his coat on. After he jumps into the car, Deena zooms off towards the mall. 

As Martin was explaining everything to the group of teenagers, she couldn't even think straight. 

All the lovey dovey things she had experience with this psychopath, rushing back into her brain. Their sweet whispers of love, all utter bullshit. Well on his side. He probably just use her to pass time. She was delusional to think he could actually love her. 

"..than a sunnyvaler cheerleader." was all she got from martin, watching as he smirked at an annoyed ziggy. Smiling at the pair, she nudges ziggy wiggling her eyebrows. 

"So Deena's the target now, so the killers will go after Deena's blood just like they did with Sam." Josh looks over his friends before continuing "And we use that to lure them into the stores, and then."

"Welcome to the clink, motherfucker." 

"The killers will be locked up then it'll just be us versus Goode." They all briefly explain to martin why they had to take out Goode before carrying on with the plan.

"Once they're down how quickly can we get the gates back open?" At Ziggy's question everyone seemed confused. "We'll Carrie him."   

Josh looks at Josie with a sad smile before talking. "With Josie, we have got to take caution. We don't know when or who will attack her, but we do know that they will possibly go after her." 

The teens nod at josh but Martin shakes his head even more confused. "Wait what. Why would they go after this dork?" Josie glares at him for the nickname. 

"Because I'm sorta part of the curse." Josh quickly shows Martin the very possessed Sam, after he believed that they were talking out of their asses.

"Cool. There's a half possessed tied up white girl." Martin jumped up and down nervously. 

"Chill we're going to save her and shadyside by killing Sheriff Goode." Martin nods now calming down.

"Any tips for fighting these things?" Josh nods remembering the way the lovely Kate had been killed. "Just don't die." Though he meant it in a nice way, martin took the advice as sarcasm and unhelpful. 

While they were grabbing all of the water guns, Josie watched as Ziggy slowly walked towards the hanging tree. Her face full of sadness, remember the night that ruined her life. 

Josie sat down next to the tree watching as Deena spoke to ziggy before they both walked off. Her first love was a devil worshipper and he had lead her to believe that he loved her. If only killing him was simpler, if only she wasn't pregnant with his child then maybe it would be easier to see the life leave his eyes. 

"Everyone says Shadyside sucks because it's full of shitty people, that bad things happen here because we're bad, that we deserve what we have coming." Deena spoke looking at her friends with tears in her eyes.

This was their only chance.

"That's how it was for Sarah, and that's how its been for us." Josie looked at her friend in admiration. How she was able to be so hopeful while the stake of her girlfriends life was on the line. How her best friends could possibly murdered along with herself. 

"It's all bullshit." JJ and Rie nod in agreement as they related to her words. They all did. "OK, just because we're weird and smart and different doesn't mean they can feed us through their meat grinder." 

"Not anymore. It's been three centuries. No one has gotten this far." She pauses looking over at Josie with sad eyes. "It stops here...tonight. It stops with us. We're going to kill this motherfucker." 

Sucking in a small breath, Josie felt the tears build up in her eyes. She listened to her friends speech, barely keeping it together. "For Sarah and Selena, For Kate and Simon. For Cindy. For Eli. For all of us. For shadyside." 

At the mention of the past victims, the tears in her eyes dry up and an angry expression builds in her eyes. All the innocent lives lost because of the wretched family that was the Goode's. 

"Lets do this." 

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now