you don't have to be related by blood to be family

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"What should we do since we have the entire evening together, hm?" You asked as you looked at your daughter Hannah who was sitting on the bed between you and Mina.

"How about a movie?" Mina suggested, her eyes meeting your daughter's excited ones. "Maybe something like the lion king or Cinderella?"

"That sounds fun, right?" You smiled. "But you know what sounds more fun?"

"What?" Your daughter asked.

"Tickling!" You said before you started to tickle her, making your little girl burst into giggles as Mina watched with a big smile on her face.

However, the sound of a loud and long knock on the front door downstairs made you freeze.

"Babe, you didn't say you had company coming," Mina said.

"I don't." You answered. "I'll be back. I'll go see who it is."

You kissed Hannah's forehead and then leaned over to peck Mina's lips before getting up to go downstairs.

"Can we watch Snow White?" You heard your daughter ask Mina as you went downstairs.

"Sure, sweetie. Let's wait for your mom, though." Mina answered and that was all you heard before getting out of ear-shot.

You groaned as the knock came once more.

"Hold on!" You said before reaching the last step.

A second later, you put your hand on the doorknob and opened the door and the familiar face in front of you was the last one you expected to see.

"What are you doing here?"

They were the first words to enter your mind and fall from your lips.

Because standing there in front of you was your ex and the father of your child.

He walked out on you and Hannah when she was only a couple of months old.

You had been arguing about how he never did anything to help you when it came to taking care of your daughter.

He was a grown adult like you, yet you felt like you had two children in your life with the way he acted.

He stormed out in frustration and since that day, he hasn't attempted to contact you or help you in any way possible.

He left everything up to you and that was scary at first but you realized quickly that ur was much better that way.

You never thought you'd see him again and you liked that idea because you didn't want him to be part of your life or your daughter's life.

You both deserve better.

But here he is now at your doorstep several years later, as if nothing ever happened.

"Hi, honey," he answered, a smile on his face. "How have you been?"

"Don't ever call me honey." You said. "I've been great. So much better since you left."

You watched his smile fall and he clenched his jaw in anger instead.

"I'll ask you again. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see my family."

"Family?" You scoffed. "Since when do you care about family? The only person you care about is yourself!"

He scoffed and then shook his head before stepping closer to you, almost getting right in your face.

"I'm here to see my daughter." He said. "Where is she?"

"Oh, you mean the daughter you left years ago? The one you didn't care for and walked out on?"

Before either of you could say another word, Hannah was running over to you and throwing her arms around your legs.

"Mom said we can go get ice cream!" She excitedly said. "Can we, mommy?"

Mina chuckled as she came down the stairs, finding the sight of your daughter excitedly hugging you to be so precious.

She wasn't aware of the situation happening.

"Who's that?" Hannah asked as she looked at the man in front of you.

He smirked at you before reaching out to touch Hannah's arm, only for your little girl to hug you tighter as she hid behind your legs.

"Your daughter has no idea who you even are. Doesn't that tell you something?"

Mina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion over the mention of you saying those words to whoever was at the door.

"Babe, what's going on? Who is this?" Mina asked as she came up to you, gently placing her hand on your back.

"Who are you?"

"I asked you first," Mina told him.

"James. I'm Hannah's dad."

"And you're here because?" Mina wondered as she began to feel protective of you and Hannah.

"To see my little girl."

"Yeah, listen, buddy," Mina said as she clenched her jaw. "Considering she won't even come to see you and she's hiding behind her mom, I highly doubt she wants to be anywhere near you."

"Who is this?" James scoffed as he looked at you.

"Mina. My girlfriend. The woman that's been more of a parent to your daughter than you have!"

"Well, that's gonna change. Hannah, honey, come see me."

Hannah peeked around your legs before shaking her head.

"But I'm your dad."

"No," Hannah replied.

"Yes, I am. Now come see your dad!" He said angrily.

"I don't have a dad. I have moms!"

"Mina, baby, can you go get Hannah ready to go out for ice cream?"

"Of course, babe. Come on, honey. Let's go get your shoes on." Mina smiled, trying to remain calm despite feeling the opposite.

"Just go. She doesn't remember you and she'll forget about this in no time. Don't make this difficult on her. She's only eight."

"You wish. I'll take you to court to get custody."

"You won't win."

"I bet I will. But I won't have to do it if you'll let us be a family again." He said.

"Never. We're already a family. Hannah, Mina, and me. We're a family. You don't have to be related by blood to be a family."

"Fine then." He said, sending you a cruel grin. "See you in court."

"Okay but it's going to be for nothing since you stand no chance of getting her. She wouldn't ever want to be with you since she has no idea who you even are. Now get off of my property!"

You slammed the door in his face before turning around, finding your girls standing across the room.

"Are you okay?" Mina asked.

"Yeah. I know everything will be alright. He stands no chance."

Mina rubbed your back for a moment before pulling you in for a hug and Hannah quickly joined in, throwing her arms around your legs.

You closed your eyes, a small smile tugging at your lips.

It wouldn't be easy but it would all be okay.

Because it will be clear to anyone that your little girl is right where she belongs.

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