Single parent - aaron hotchner x female reader

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It's hard being a single parent, from the baby being first born to him growing up through out the years, it be a rollercoaster of emotions.

If it wasn't already obvious you had a little boy, a bundle of joy in your eyes and the light of your life, but for your boyfriend of 4 years had thought otherwise from when he and you first found out that you were pregnant he made his mind up that he never wanted a child and up and left you without support and without a clue to be a mother.but you knew deep down that you couldn't give the baby up so you will try your god dame best to give this baby the best life you could possibly give him.

Once your baby was born you decided that you needed to find a new job with better pay then the shitty desk job that you we suck with, so when you got a job offer in Quantico in the fbi but you weren't sure which unit you would be placed in but anything was better then a desk job In a office. You were beyond  excited for the new job and the new start at your job, of course now you we left will the decision on who and where someone could baby sit your sweet little munchkin while you away for work, you finally decided to allow your brother to look after him  which in your case it was someone you trusted and didn't cost you a single penny for you to spend which was a winner win in my book

//Time skip to Monday //

"Wow ok just breath y/n you do fine" I mentally booted my self for getting worked up over your first day at the fbi. "What is i mess up or say something stupid" no no don't think that you'll do fine" god i hope so and with that swallowing your nerves you walk at the house not with out a kiss goodbye to you baba boo and a quick wave goodbye to my brother, and with that you were on your way to your new job and team (which later on become more like family)

There you stood out Side the fbi building your nerves rattling your bones, they begged you not to go in but your mind and legs said otherwise. Entering the building and heading to the front desk you saw an sweet old lady sitting there " erm excuse me do you now were i can find SSA Erin Strauss  I've got an interview with her in about 15 minutes" " ahhhh right what's your name dear and then ill send you straight up" " y/n l/n "ahh yes there you are let me guide you there my dear" she kindly greeted and got up from her seat and making her way to the elevator, stepping in she pressed the 6th floor and took a step back. " so do you now what your unit you'll be working for" she asked kindly "no that's why I'm here today to be assigned to a unit that she thinks best for me and the fbi as a whole" i responded the nervousness intertwined with my voice " you will be fine my dear" as she said that the lift opened and she pointed down the hall " keep going straight then take a right and her door is the 4th one down" with that she pushing me out off the elevator and giving me a quick smile before the doors shut and I began to  make my way over to set a door that i was instructed to go to.arriving at the door i swiftly checked the time i was 10 minutes early but that would make a good first impression and boy were you so right knocking on the door waiting for a response, then it swung open to reveal a tall middle aged woman with blond hair. " hello y/n I'm Erin Strauss:" "hello it a pleasure meting you ma'am and thank you for giving me a chance at this job" " your welcome my dear now would you like to meet your team?" " yes thank you ma'am" and with that you followed her down the hall way to what you could guess the bull pen.

There stood 7 other people which i was guessing was my new team. There was a tall lanky man with glasses, a woman with brunette hair,another woman with blond hair and one wearing brightly coloured clothes,an Italian man from the looks of him, another man who is purely made of muscle and finally a tall man dressed in a suit and quite frankly outrageously gorgeous but that's presides the point. " agents this is y/n l/n she is going to be the newest member to your team" then she just walked away back to her office  leaving me to get to know the team. But before i could speak the blonde with brightly coloured " hi I'm Penelope Garcia lovely to meet you and I must say you are deliciously gorgeous my dear" i stood there shocked " why thank you, your not to bad your self sweetness" i quickly quipped back" owww I like you already my dear" Penelope said then she grapped my hand and began to speak " right my dear this tall glass of chocolatey goodness here is my dear, my one and only Derek Morgan" "well hello there doll face nice to meet you" he exsrended his hand and i shook it " hello to you Hercules" every body giggled " next we have our amazing Jennifer Jareau" "hello it lovely to meet you and you can call me jj everybody else does" " ok then you can call me n/n" then we have our terrific Emily prentiss" hello" "hi" " then we have our famous David Rossi" " hello Bella" " hello sir" " and last but certainly not lest our grumbly unit chief Aaron hotchner" " garcia" " sorry sir"everybody snickered " hi I'm Aaron hotchner but most people call me hotch" " hello agent hotchner it will be a pleasure working with you and your amazing team" they all smiled.

And that's were your next chapter started and over the years they were practically like family to you but there was always secret in family's and eventually they will find out but you were praying that that didn't happened but boy how wrong you were.

// 5 years later//

You have be with the team for about 5 ish years and they were probably the best years of your life but they still didn't now about your little secret ow you thought so wrong.

//time skip//

It was your day off and you planed it to spend as much time with him as you can because you never now when your next case will you asked his where would he like to spend the day with mum and your dog who your so ironically called midnight  because of her raven fur. He finally decided ongoing to the park after raking his brain for places to go, getting his shoes and coats on and practically dragging you and midnight out of the house and to the park down the street from you live.

// Aaron's pov//

I planed to spend the day off with jack and he has being begging for me to take him to the park and I finally caved.As we arrived i felt a feeling of uneasiness so i kept an eye out that's when i here jack gasp
"You okay buddy" " look at that doggy daddy" as i looked at were he was pointing  my eyes landed on this jet black dog sat next to a woman  that looks oddly familiar then I here'd a little kid scream " mommy" I looked at the kid them back at the woman, then it clicked when i got a clear view of her it was y/n. As i carried on staring at the scene playing out in front of me her with a big smile on her face and her arms open awaiting for the little boy to come crashing into her giggling as the dig got up and started licking the boy earning a fit of laughter to erupt from the both of them.

My thoughts were going wild "she has a son? Why didn't she tell us? Were is the farther?" I pondered to my self as me and my son made are way over to her.

"Y/n?" I asked as she shot her head towards me with a look of utter shock and horror. " hey s/n go play in the park and take midnight with you" " is it okay if jack go's with him" i question, she gave a small smile "of course s/n take jack here with you too" " okay mommy, come on jack and midnight" and with that the boys and the dog walked away.

When i looked down i see her still looking at her son " may i sit with you" "yeah go ahead" she tells me in a soft voice, god that voice  i thought taking my seat next to her, i was about to speak when she cut me off " i know i should of told you guys that i have a son but i was so scared of what you would think of me i decided agents it" finally spoke "why would you think that we would judge you for having a child?" "Because his farther walked out on us when i just found out that I was pregnant leaving me alone to raise him and i thought that because  I'm a single mother i wouldn't be capable to look after him" " oh y/n we would never think that of you, you have show you can handle your self in the field so what give us the idea that you cannot look after your son" after i said that she looked at me with such happiness and something else that I can't put my finger on.

And just like that something sparked between the two of them and maybe just maybe there will be something between them as they gazed into each eyes smiling like a pair of idiots, they headed a pair of wines "mom!" "Dad!" they giggled and as they go to get up and make there way to there children who seemed to have became really close over the little time they had together " daddy can s/n come to our house to play pleaseeee!" " I don't know have you asked his mum?"Aaron looked at y/n with a mysterious grin, returning the grin she looked back at the boys "no?" Jack responded "then ask her" "miss l/n can s/n and i please have play date at my house pleaseeeee !" "Mhhh I don't know" "pleaseeeee!" They both begged we looked at each other  and then back at them " go on then" they both cheered running with midnight to the cars with you following close behind them.

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Comment if you would like a part 2 of this or if you would like any other character from the series i would love to know if you have any ideas


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