a short twipie fic

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I've made it known to Pinkie Pie on multiple occasions that I'm not the baker she thinks I am. Just because I'm a princess, it doesn't mean I'm good at everything! She's still refused to let me out of group baking lessons at Sugar Cube Corner. Additionally, the lessons are meant to act as a bonding activity. Ever since I took over as ruler of Equestria, my schedule has kept me from seeing my best friends. When discussing it with Pinkie during one of her unannounced visits, her eyes lit up immediately as she told me that she had the best idea ever. How was I supposed to know that this was what she meant?

This week, we're testing out one of her newest cupcake recipes. It has an impossibly long name, riddled with an insane amount of alliteration but the general gist of it is glazed sugar and chocolate filling. Pinkie speeds from pony to pony, excitedly assisting each one of them with stirring and ingredient measurements.

"Jeez, Twilight! She told you to stir it, not attack it," Rainbow Dash chuckles.

"Rainbow! She's trying her best," Applejack tries to discourage her fiance but ends up snorting before she can finish the sentiment. Everypony else erupts into laughter after that, including me, although my cheeks are bright red with embarrassment.

Pinkie pats me on the back. "Don't worry Twi, you'll get the hang of it!"

Throughout the entire day, everypony seems to create an acceptable batch of cupcakes except me. Rarity even puts her own twist on the icing's decoration, making Pinkie squeal in excitement. "It's nothing really, darling. Simply an outlet of my own creativity! Feel free to use it to your heart's content."

It starts to get dark outside. Applejack and Rainbow are the first to leave. "We really oughta get going. Tomorrow is the start of apple-bucking season. Me and the missus have a competition and I can't win if I'm tired in the morning." Applejack smirks.

"You won't win even if you sleep well, AJ." Rainbow retorts.

"Sugarcube, you're going down faster than them apples I'll be bucking."

With mischievous looks plastered on their faces, they pounce on each other at the same time, tumbling out the door without bidding us farewell. We hear their affectionate bickering get quieter as they get farther away. Fluttershy giggles. "They're getting married next month and yet still make time to compete and make bets with each other."

"Speaking of their wedding, do you ponies think I should serve these cupcakes at the reception?" Pinkie asks.

"They'd love that!" I exclaim. "Good idea, Pinkie."

Her eyes widen and she gives a sheepish smile while murmuring a quick thanks. I watch Rarity and Fluttershy exchange a look. The next few minutes are agonizingly quiet. Did I make it weird? Maybe it was a bad idea to come here.

"Fluttershy, darling, I do believe that Sweetie Belle wanted to consult you on... an animal-related subject." Rarity's pearly white smile is stretched so wide that it's unsettling.

"She does?" Fluttershy's eyes sparkle hopefully.

"Fluttershy." Her smile gets more strained and her eye starts twitching slightly.

"Oh! Right. Animals." She zooms out the door and Rarity prances close behind her, keeping the grin on her face until they're out of sight.

Pinkie Pie is by the oven, checking how the cupcakes are rising. It's not awkward unless you make it awkward, Twilight. I attempt to stir the newest bowl of batter I've created. It's certainly easier than it was at the beginning of the baking session, but I'm still going at an impossibly slow pace, so I cast a quick spell to keep the spoon stirring the batter while I move on to making the chocolate filling.

Thank Celestia for magic! I'm so engulfed in mixing in the ingredients that I don't notice that my spell hasn't worked as well as I'd hoped. The batter is flying across the kitchen, covering Pinkie in a chunky cupcake mix. I groan under my breath and release the spell. "I am so sorry. It seems like even magic can't make me a better baker," I sigh.

She eats some of the batter out of my bowl and coughs up a measuring spoon. My face feels like it's on fire. "Pinkie, I am so sorry. I..."

I'm interrupted by her hysterical laughter. "Twi, you crack me up!"

For some unknown reason, my ears burn hotter. "You're not mad that I made a mess of the kitchen?"

"We can clean it up if we work together," she says happily.

"That sounds perfect." I grab a mop and we begin to work at the mess.

The cleaning takes us deep into the night, but I don't mind. Being out of the castle with Pinkie feels like a breath of fresh air. She talks almost nonstop, and I listen to every word. It's in these moments that I notice small things about her, like how she bounces up and down when talking about the new friends she's made this week, or how she mimics the body language of the ponies she's talking about. "I think we're done here!" She suddenly exclaims.

"What?" I haven't even noticed how much we've done. Why don't I want to leave? "Y-your mane," I blurt out.

"Hm?" Grazing her curls with her hoof, she realizes how much cupcake mix has gotten in it. "Oops. Actually, now that you mention it, your hair seems to be in the same sticky situation," Pinkie remarks.

"Oh, great," I groan. "Now I have one more thing to do once I get back to the castle."

"You know, you could wash it here. If you want." Pinkie turns away, busying herself with shining an already clean counter.

"I'd love to. That would be a lot more convenient."

"Great! I'll run a bath. It'll be fun!" She speeds upstairs.

I follow her, admiring the pictures of our friends she's hung up. We looked so happy. My chest pangs as I let the nostalgia rush over me. Pinkie calls me from down the hall, asking if I want strawberry or lavender-scented shampoo. "Lavender sounds good," I reply, entering the bathroom. The bath is overflowing with bubbles, just how I like it.

"Take a dip! Gummy's in here somewhere!"

Shuddering, I hesitantly step into the tub. Teeth or no teeth, alligators do not belong in a bathtub with ponies. Luckily, she finds him before I do, and sets him down on the floor before diving back in. Pinkie emerges with sopping wet hair, giggling and sputtering. She lathers her mane in shampoo and beckons for me to come closer. "You've worked enough this week. Let me wash your mane."

"O-oh," I stutter. "I'd like that."

The entire experience is calming. Her hoofs are gentle on my scalp, and the smell of lavender makes me wanna doze off. Once we've both rinsed and dried ourselves, we head back into the kitchen. "Thank you, Pinkie. I really needed that."

"Don't thank me yet!" She pulls out a batch of cupcakes from behind the counter and stuffs one in my mouth.

It's delicious. I try to express my gratitude once again while chewing the cupcake but all she hears is muffled choking. When I finally swallow, words to thank Pinkie escape me. Without a second thought, I lean in and kiss her.

She stays frozen for a moment before kissing me back. "Twilight?" she whispers after pulling away.

"Mhm?" I reply, still lightheaded with euphoria.

"Did you like the cupcake?"

"Pinkie." I start laughing uncontrollably. "Of course I did! And I ... love you."

After blinking a couple of times, she turns a shade of scarlet and then turns away. "I..."

Oh no, did I read the situation wrong?

"I love you, Twilight. A lot."

I turn her back around and I'm met with a soft smile. How did I get so lucky? 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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