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In the darkest part of space sits four thrones for the four ancient ones of the universe. In no particular order the ancient ones are Fallix the master of Necro dark energy, then there is Daximus the master of elemental energy, next we have Lumin the only female ancient and she is the master of light energy and finally Bob who is the master of creation energy. Their power has been bestowed upon them by the father of the ancients Orin who commands Cosmic energy.
Orin created the four ancients he then divided himself into the four powers and entered each ancients body's, once this process was complete Orin ceased to be, giving his power and life force to the four he created.  Although they have great power they are only allowed to watch over the universe not interfere with it. The four ancients used their powers together to create the universe and everything in it, With the four powers working together, the universe has perfect balance. The universe remained in perfect balance till Fallix decided he wanted to rule the universe and gain more power.
Fallix had come up with a plan to eliminate the other ancients and absorb their power. He called to Daximus to have a private conversation, the second he and Daximus were alone to put his plan into action. Fallix's Necro energy destroys anything it touches. Daximus asked Fallix “what's up brother?” Fallix looked at him an with the utmost sincerity says “I'm sorry about this brother, but its a necessary sacrifice.” Daximus looking puzzled asked “What sacrifice, what are you talking about?” Fallix looked up from the floor and spoke in a language Daximus was not familiar with, nor could he understand. “Exa unum contartos!” exclaimed Fallix. Just then Necro chains appeared on Daximus arms and legs. “What's the meaning of this!” Daximus demanded. Fallix told Daximus that he was going to kill him and the other ancients and take control of the entire universe and rule it with an iron fist. Daximus laughed and told him “You cannot kill us we are all equal in power you fool.” Fallix just laughed and said “You are correct we all have equal power but I found a way to amplify mine.” Daximus expression changed from laughter to utter horror as Fallix brought out a sword made of pure hate and Necro energy. The sword had an aura of its own almost pulsing with every word Fallix spoke. Fallix let Daximus in on his secret. He had told Daximus that Orin lied to them about being the ultimate being in the universe, he stated that every power has an opposite power. So while Orin wielded Cosmic power, there was another. Orin had a brother named Cawen who wielded destruction power. After a cataclysmic battle between Orin and Cawen the cosmos was destroyed. Orin was able to defeat Cawen but at great loss and destruction. Cawen's power was great and dark, he infused some of his power into the Necro Tome, which held his wisdom and ways to destroy the universe. This book was sealed away by Orin on a comet never to be used again. Fallix being the master of Necro power the book called to him, Cawen's influence was all but stamped out. It took Fallix a millennium to piece the puzzle together and figure out Orin's hiding place and locate the Necro Tome. The Necro Tome showed Fallix a different side of power and began his lust for it. He studied the book until he could recite it cover to cover. One spell in the book allowed him to call forth the Sword of fates, the only weapon that can kill an ancient. The sword of fates has a mind of its own but will sync with the desires of the one who called to it. The sword was black as night and had a shadow aura surrounding it and pulsed with dark energy. When Fallix grabbed the sword that was floating in mid air, when his hand gripped the sword the shadow aura was absorbed by Fallix. Fallix had never felt anything like this before and felt with his new power he could conquer the entire universe at will. Daximus just watched and couldn't utter a word, Fallix plunged the Sword of Fates into Daximus's chest and watched the life fade from his eyes and his elemental power transferred to Fallix thru the Sword. Daximus started to break apart bit by bit as he stood dying he uttered his last words. Daximus's word trembled as he told Fallix “I forgive you brother.” Daximus body exploded in a powerful burst that shook the cosmos. The ancients that remained felt their brother die and they then knew something was up and put a plan in motion to stop Fallix.

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