They can't just seem real. They should try harder to be better. They should be better. We all wish they weren't so unreal. I can never stop reading them. They always put me in their world. Sometimes they make me want to run away. From time to time they make me hate them. However, it is obvious that they want me to continue with my dream world. Its general tendency has been magic. Whose consequences have been to attract me with her? They don't seem to understand that, that hurts me. If only they made an effort not to be tempted. But let's know how difficult it is for them not to be as others want. Many of them do not know that what they do hurts. Some should know better they simply refuse to understand how important they are. Of course, their perspective has been limited by being a character. On the other hand, they feel entitled to like me. Certainly, we cannot forget that they do not exist. Nor can it be denied that they catch you with their charms. We know yours has had a great impact on their lives and families. However, their behavior surprised sis since they were not used to being. Out interactions have unfortunately been simply about books, characters, and readers.