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|your pov|
I'm walking home until something enters my mind.

"wait a minute, I forgot to tell Goenji, Kidou, and Endou that I already know the reason why I'm the only one who didn't transfer school." I said to myself

I took my cellphone from my bag because I was going to text them but when I opened my phone it was...

"Lowbattery?! seriously right now! why?! Why now!?" I said

|no ones pov|
Dingdong. There are three young men ringing the doorbell at your house.

"huh?" Hana (your older sister) opened the door of your house.

"Kidou, Gouenji, Endou It's been a long time since I last saw you three." Hana said

"Hana neesan! (older sister) long time no see." Endou said while smiling

"Is (F/N) there?" Kidou asked

"She's not here yet, I've been waiting for her for a while but she hasn't come home from school yet, she's not texting me either, Since she no longer has a club she goes home early, she hasn't mentioned that she's going somewhere too I'm starting to worry." Hana said

|your pov|
I was close to home until I saw Endou, Kidou, and Gouenji talking to my sister.

"Endou, Gouenji, Kidou!" I shout

The three of them looked at me.

"Endou, Gouenji, Kidou what are you three doing here? Wait nice timing I have something to say to you three" I said

"No need, we already know" Gouenji smile

"how?" I said and tilted my head

"What are you four talking about? I don't understand you four." My sister said

"Neechan, there is a soccer club again in Raimon and I am one of the members of the soccer club!" I said to my sister

"Really that's great!" my sister said

"Congrats (F/N)" Endou smile

"thanks Endou, I missed you three so much." I said

"We've missed you too." Endou smile

"Wanna hang out with us?" Gouenji asked

I looked in my sister asking for permission, and she said.

"It's okay you can hang out with them." my sister said

"Really, thank you." I said and hug her

"So were going bye." I said

"Go enjoy your hang out you four!" my sister said while waving at the four of us

"Sooo? Where are we going?" I asked

"uhmm... I know let's go eat in rairaken!" Endou said

"Yeah! That's a good idea it's been a while since I eat at that restaurant." I said

"so let's go." Kidou said

|at Rairaken|
"hmm...? Kidou,Goenji, (L/N), Endou long time no see, What is your order?" Coach Hibiki said

"Mine is Ramen with fried rice please." I said

"Me too!" Endou said

"Mine is Ramen with dumpling." Gouenji said

"one ramen please." Kidou said

"Okay!" Coach Hibiki said

"How much?" I asked

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