First Meeting

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As the warm sunny-day sets, another rises again with the sun bulging its wings to the surface of Colombia on the day of which the Madrigals will add another door in their archive which calls for a busy day for everyone.

"Y/N! " The motherly voice that could be heard in the whole house called for you. "Remember to dress for the Madrigal's Family Party later in the evening!" Said the Lady sternly but still caring. "Yes, Mama! I won't forget!" Y/N said normally but loud enough for her mom to hear in her room. 

y/n slipped on his sandals and dashed outside into the colorful and lively village of Colombia, the weather was sweat worthy but the breeze made it all worth staying outside where he found his dad in the city selling his signature brisket bowl that made his dads name known widely in the subject of dishes to definitely try out. Greetings were passed and y/n's dad rolled the ball and said "So.. when do I get to meet your girl?" wearing a mischievous grin. "Papa! I said I don't like anybody!" shot back y/n. "Alright Alright kiddo just relaxes about it man but ya know I wouldn't mind meeting her" Cheekily said. 

y/n couldn't reason with his dad anymore so he ate his brisket bowl as breakfast and soon made his location to watch the children which is what his 'job' was since he wasn't of age to properly work, and by that meaning his parents wanted him to enjoy his free life youth but y/n insisted so he now babysits children. Not ideal but you were still thankful even a little money would be received.

"y/n! y/n! y/n is here!!" Cheered Adan with the rest of his friends. Adan, Ava, and Vickey were the children of which y/n regularly took watch off and they were in an energy blasting mood. "Y/n you'll never guess what!" Yelled Vickey, "Mirabelle who is in the Madrigal Family was playing with us and singing songs about everyone's talent! Isn't that cool!" Quickly explained Eva. "Really? Such nice people the Madrigal Family are huh.. oh yeah kids I forgot to say that for the party today at the Madrigal Family's house I will be serving with my dad our signatur- "BRISKET BOWLS!!" Interrupted loud voice. 

You were startled by the sudden noise, you knew that many people would be around you because you were in the town square and many people knew your dad's well-known dish but still, why and who would do that so suddenly..?

"AhHAahAHh oH I'm sorry I'm sorry" Apologized for the wheezing bright voice. You immediately recognized him but couldn't say a thing because of how sudden and just. huh?? "Oh crap I can't be late, anyway I'll be on my way, cya!!. Sorry Again!!" Shouted the bright voice getting quieter as he ran farther from you. 

You were left stunned but the kids were all in a daze that a Madrigal was talking to you. Conversations apon conversations began to keep the kids entertained as you watched them playmaking sure they don't run off too far from the village and as the evening sprang you dismissed all the kids to their houses before entering yours to prepare your clothing for tonight. You wore beige trousers with a white buttoned top with the final touch of a blue poncho with Latin embroidery. You and your family finished preparing and carried all necessary cooking equipment and ingredients in carts and began your night's work. 

The entrance of the house appeared before you and you saw a boy, the same age as you confidently welcoming the guest individually with soothing yet pumped presents surrounding him. "Welcome! Hello! Come in!" Greeted the boy in yellow happily. You soon were in front  of the entrance where you were greeted "Welcome in!" He said happily as you widened your eyes. His emerald eyes appeared like an adventurous forest with a glimmering passion oozing from each pupil. You kept walking but your face was frozen. "Oi, you okay boy?"Said your mom "It's as if you've seen a ghost." Mom said jokingly. "Yeah, it's uh.. abit warm.. its okay though" You stoically replied as you rub the back of your neck.

After 5 minutes the cart was loaded in the house and set where you've already started giving out food for the guests, holding a tray you hand out brisket bowls for the hungry and intrested, the tray full now empty had nothing but tissues laying on it so you walking back trying not to bump into anybody in the crowd, after what felt like decades serving people the ingredients ran out so you parents called it a day and began drinking with the others like there's no tomorrow.

You stood there with your glass of water around the corners of the room where you were positive that you wouldn't get stamped on and you saw what looked like a blur getting closer, you squinted but then saw. "There you are, brisket boy! I was looking for you!" stated the boy in yellow "Introductions I feel is underrated at the moment, my name is Camilo, Camilo Madrigal!" He said with pride "Uh, Hello? Dude??" he said. "Oh, Sorry sorry yeah nice meeting you Camilo, My name is (y/n)(y/ln)" You replied but felt your face get hot for the reason of embarrassment by spacing out into Camilos face.

"Also.. Did you just call me Brisket Boy??" Said y/n. 

"Well yeah, you sell brisket bowls and the first time seeing you, you were cutley explaining about brisket bowls" Replied Camilo.

"What," said Y/N

"What," said Camilo


"I'LL UH *Cough* Be Off nOW" said y/n loud but not loud enough for everyone to hear.

You quickly like a red-faced tomato exited the house only to be confused about what Camilo just said, surely he didn't say 'cute'? Or did he? But... were both guys.. can guys even like..? I'm thinking too much in this, improbably tired anyways so I should really start getting home. And so you did, changed and flopped on the bed but as you were going to sleep all that was in your mind was Camilo. His curly hair perfectly caught the rays of light to his confidence and carefree nature. As hot of a face, you were wearing when in bed you've managed to go straight to sleep. 

Maybe not so straight though.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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