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the faint smell of almonds hits my noise, normally it's a welcoming sweet smell but for the situation it's only proof of the monster in front of me.

I pretend to take a sip, then look up to smile at the person in front of me, he seems anxious, as though he were waiting for something to happen.

what he doesn't know is that I know he was trying to poison me, not the type of poison to kill a person just the type to knock them out for a while.

"I have to admit zhongli, even though i'm not one for tea, this is undeniably good, albeit i'm not thirsty at the moment, so I won't be able to drink anymore"I say putting on a fake smile.

"That's, quite alright, are you feeling alright?"

"Perfect why?"

suddenly zhongli stood up, "it's horrible that I have to say this, but I just remembered there is something that I need to do, so i'll have to end our tea part"

he then bowed and walked away, probably to go kill the person who gave him the poison.

once I was sure the he was gone and that there wasn't anyone else, my smile dropped and I glared at the door.

"what are horrible fate life gave you yn, so many people are obsessed with you and will do anything to get you, no matter what the cost, even the lives of your own family, no wonder you killed yourself"

bringing the hand of a body that now belongs to me, I wipe some blood that I had been keeping in my mouth, because the truth was that I did drink the poison, i'm just that good at acting.

"don't worry, i'll save you from this eternity in hell "

okay end of the preview, tell me how you liked it and maybe i'll write more of it, also the mc in this story is basically a psychopath whose really really smart.

have a nice day!

an eternity in hell, yandere genshin impact x readerWhere stories live. Discover now