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The tune of an incoming Skype call startled you out of your trance. You had been playing Minecraft, and you were playing with such intensity that you forgot the world around you. You glimpsed at the incoming caller:Mark Fischbach, it read. You adjusted your webcam and clicked the "Accept Call" button. On your screen appeared Mark, also known as Markiplier, your friend and fellow YouTuber. You gave a small smile and asked, "What's up?"

Mark let out a heaving sigh and tipped his head back. His black-and-red plaid shirt was disheveled and his ebony hair was mussed, as if he couldn't be bothered to keep track of it. You waited until he composed himself, curious as to why he was so... off. He looked at his webcam with bloodshot eyes and said in a monotone,

"Filmed a Drunk Minecraft yesterday. Got a little too drunk. Extremely hungover. I wanna play video games but no one else is here." He gave out another long sigh and looked at you over the rim of his glasses, "Can you come over?"

A smile crept onto your lips and you shook your head slowly, "I told you not to drink too much."
His expression mirrored yours; one of upset contempt, "Well, I realize that now." He said with a smirk, "Just come over so we can play broken indie games and eat pizza?"

You grinned, "Be there in 15 minutes. Don't die."
You didn't live that far from Mark, so it wasn't long until you were knocking on his door. When he arrived, one hand was over his ears. He winced and half-whispered,

"Could you maybe knock a little quieter?" he stated,
You smiled mischievously, "Sorry, sorry." You said.
He stepped aside, his arm sweeping across, "Come on in." he said in a strained voice. You nodded and walked in. "Just curious, how drunk did you get?" you questioned.

Mark sighed, "I don't know. How drunk does vodka with cranberry juice get you?" he said, clutching his head. You laughed,
"So what game do you wanna play?" you asked. He shrugged and plopped down on the couch, "There was this indie game called Nidhog I wanted to show you." You nodded and sat next to him as he booted up his console and grabbed two controllers. You played for a while, laughing and cursing each other appropriately. After a while you two dropped the controllers and talked, your head dipping back to rest on the top of the couch,

"I mean, all superpowers have loopholes that would make them suck." You stated,
Mark shrugged, "Well, what about flying? That can't be so bad."
You smiled, "Don't pretend like you wouldn't get distracted by some pretty girl on the street or something and whack your face into a building."
Mark responded by muttering to himself, so quiet you could barely hear it, "There's a pretty girl in front of me right now and I'm notthat distracted."
You blushed and elbowed him, "Shut up." You said, trying to laugh it off.
He smiled, "I'm serious." He said. You rolled your eyes and puffed your cheeks out, lurching your head forward. You shrug and mumble, "Whatever."
Mark shook his head, "You really don't understand do you?" he said in shy disbelief. You tilted your head, "What?"
Before you could respond, Mark's fingertips were on your chin and his lips were placed on yours. He tasted of stale alcohol and pizza cheese and something you could only describe as purity. You closed your eyes, not sure how to respond. Then it was over, his lips a centimeter away from yours, his eyes boring into yours as if there was something worth searching for. You smiled, trying to find the right words.
Finally, he spoke, "Do you understand now?"

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