Chapter One

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Just some quick info, in this timeline it has been 3 years since the Paranormal Liberation War, Deku was one of the only survivors, and since class A never helped him return to UA, he's still a vigilante, he's 25 at this point and hasnt seen his mom or any of the pros in years. Also I'm going to be calling future deku manga deku or mdeku and past deku anime deku or adeku. Thats all for now, enjoy!


My tired eyes glossed over yet another dark street for what seemed to be the hundredth time tonight. Danger Sense hadn't alerted me to anything in over two hours, which was odd. With all the criminals that had escaped Tartarus, usually I didn't have this much down time.

When my eyes tried to close out of pure exhaustion, I forced them back open. Reaching into one of my satchels, I pulled out a 5 hour energy. The little shots of caffeine I've become accustomed to downing were the only things keeping me standing upright at this point.

I let a puff of air escape my dry lips, watching as it turned to smoke in the cold December air. It had been almost three years since the war, and two since I had seen my loved ones. My mom, Allmight, Aizawa Sensei. . .

No matter how much it hurts, I had to keep my distance for their safety.

Allmight was lucky and made it out of the war mostly unscathed, most people weren't as lucky. Aizawa was forced to retire as a hero when he lost his leg and eye.

And my freinds. . . almost all of them didn't make it. . .

I felt a buzzing in the back of my head, pulling me from my thoughts.

Danger Sense. No time to be angsty, I have work to do.

I pulled my mask back down and got up. Whatever it alerted me to, it's on the other side of Musutafu. I grit my teeth and started jumping from building to building, quickly and quietly making my way to the other side of the city.

I arrived at a warehouse that looked to have a bit of fire damage. I decided to perched myself on a nearby building, being sure to keep to the shadows, who knows if the place was rigged with traps.

It took another few minutes of waiting, but my target finally emerged from the building. She was a beautiful woman, I'll admit, couldn't have been more than a few years older than me. She wore a golden dress, that was adorned with silver gears and cogs. Around he neck was a necklace with an old timey stopwatch hanging loosely down.

"Come on out, young one. I know you're here." She called out, looking in my direction. My eyes widened for only a second, before i made myself become stoic again. Jumping from my spot I landed in front of her.

"And to who do I owe the pleasure?" I said, half joking.

She smiled, clearly amused at the banter I was attempting to initiate. "The name's Klockwork."

"Well, Klockwork," I said, "A little birdy told me you were being naughty."

She chuckled, nodding her head. " That would be true."

"So. . . Do we gotta do this the easy way or the hard way?" I asked, readying myself for anything. I still hadn't figured out her quirk yet.

He copper colored eyes shone in the moonlight as she smiled wickedly. "Oh please, what do you think?"

"Alright," I sighed, shaking my head. "Have it you're way." I charged at her, powering up Oneforall. I used Blackwhip to try to grab her, but she was too quick, jumping over my head and landing gracefully behind me. Whipping back around, I tried to strike at her again, but she easily evaded. This went on for over half an hour, with me failing to even scratch her, and her dodging me effortlessly.

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