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3:26 PM at the school gymnasium

     The buzzer went blaring off as our schools basketball team had made the final score. My focus quickly went back to the way the cheerleaders hurried to their feet to do their final cheer. Y/n stuck out the most to me. Not just because she was my best friend or because she looked directly at me to make sure I was looking at her as she flashed me her pretty smile. It was because I was in love with her.
     I knew it was wrong to be in love with your best friend but it was hard not to love her. The way she always gave me attention and didn't mind I wasn't as popular as she was. She was perfect. I only had one other friend Taehyung who is a pain in the ass.
     "Hey", Taehyung moved in closer to me disrupting my thoughts. "You know you can tell me if you've hit it or not", Taehyung giggled to his self at his own "joke" as I just rolled my eyes at him.

8:25 PM at Jungkooks house

"You both are straight player haters for not inviting me", Taehyung whined for what had to be the fifth time that night. "To be honest with you I don't even think y/n likes you in the slightest bit", I said jokingly shoving him out of my way to look at my outfit in the mirror for about the eighteenth time that night to make sure I looked perfect. Y/n always looked her best and while I dress basic for the most part I still try to look like I put some effort into what I wear. Just for her of course. The Carousel was one of the only bars we had in this misty, quiet, and small town. It wasn't the best but we were all grateful to have something in this shitty town.
     "So... why the hell does y/n want to go this bar so bad? It doesn't really seem like her kind of thing", Taehyung asked in a confused tone. "That's what I said... but supposedly this boy band y/n has been stalking for the past few days are gonna be performing and she said it herself that the lead singer was super salty... whatever that means", I replied back. Before Taehyung could say anything else we heard a loud beep coming from outside. "She's here", I said excitedly as I ran to the front door.
     As I walked outside y/n got out of the car and leaned up against the passenger side of the car. Looking at me with a smirk on her lips. "Hmmm... you look good", y/n said looking me up and down. "I could say the same to you", jungkook exclaimed with a sly smile placed on his lips. Like I said Y/N always looks perfect in my eyes.
     Dressed in a black and gray leopard print shirt, paired with a really short mini skirt, and to top it all off a cropped white puffer jacket. "Let's go bitch I'm borrowing my moms boyfriend car... doesn't it look sick", y/n said with her back turned to me so she could examine the car as if she's never seen anything like it before. "Let's go now before the crackheads arrive before us", I joked as I made my way to the passenger side. Y/n covered her mouth while she chuckled as she made her way to the driver seat.

9:05 PM at Carousel

     "I knew this would happen", I said as I looked around with a disgusted look on my face.Nothing but old drunk heads went to this place this late "Stop being like that and let's go get a drink-" "Not so fast y/n", I saw y/n get pulled back by no other than Jin. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him. "What do you want now?", y/n questioned teasingly as she made eye contact with Jin. "You're not above the drinking age of 21 which means YOU won't be getting any drink up in here", Jin said with a flirtatious grin on plastered on his face. "Awww... you weren't saying that the night we got drunk together and-" " Sshhhh no one need to know about that y/n", Jin groaned annoyingly. "Well then... we'll be going now", y/n said playfully with a smirk on her lips while dragging me by my hand walking towards the stage.
     "Uhhh why are we going over here already"? I questioned. "Well I want the opportunity to meet the lead singer up close silly", y/n said with a tipsy looking smile even though she's had nothing to drink yet. We approached the stage were the band members were setting up their equipment. The one in the center (who I presume is the leader in question) looked up and saw us standing there. The leader plastered on the fakest smile I've ever fucking seen. I mentally rolled my eyes at that.
     "Uhhh hey", the leader said to the both of us. "H-hi", y/n shyly said as If we were elementary students and she was talking to her crush for the first time. "Umm I'm y/n and this is my bestfriend Kook... I saw that your group was performing tonight and I just had to come see you guys", y/n rushed out the last sentence as fast as she could. "Well it's always nice to meet a fan"-he reached for y/ns hand, "especially a really beautiful one like you", he bent his face down to kiss her hand softly while maintaining eye contact with her. This dude made ME uncomfortable and he hadn't even looked my way for even a second.
     While covering her mouth, y/n giggled like a child after he released her hand. "Ummm this bar has this really good drink that I think you'd like, it's like red blue and white but you have to drink it really fast before the colors mix up and look like doodoo", y/n rushed out of her mouth while moving like she was in some sort of trance. "Yeah that's be nice", the lead singer agreed while smiling. "Hey y/n I'm gonna go over there and wait for you", I said in her ear so she could hear me. "Oh yeah okay", y/n said before running towards the bar.
     I stood not too far from the stage so I could see when y/n was on her way back over. "What did I fucking say bro", I overheard the lead singer say to one of the band members. "I mean I guess, but how do you even know she's a virgin", the other member said to the lead singer with an annoyed look. I felt disgusted hearing what they were saying about MY best friend and I took upon myself to confront them.
     "Hey that's my friend you're talking about", I said as I walked closer to the stage. "Just to let you know she IS a virgin and she wouldn't ever sleep with jerks like you", I said trying to make me appear more intimidating without raising my voice. I walked away before they could say anything and saw y/n making her way over to me with the brightest smile on her face. "Y/n we need to leave now", I exclaimed while taking the two drinks from her hands and putting them on a nerby table. "Wha-what do you mean, they haven't performed yet", y/n exclaimed with an exaggerated pout on her lips. "Those guys are weirdo and only want to sleep with you because they think you're a virgin", I said while rolling my eyes. "What!? I'm not even a back virgin anymore thanks to Jin", y/n said with the pout never leaving her lips.
     The sound of a mic being tapped on took away her attention from me and on to the stage. She completely walked off towards the stage without saying another word to me. A crowd started to form near the stage and as much as I didn't care for the weirdos on stage I still had to keep my eye on y/n. The sound of a guitar filled the bar, soon after a drum, and then him.
     "All alone on the empty room-"I rolled my eyes at the corny song but looked to the side of me and saw y/n swaying slowly to the beat while never taking her eyes off of the lead singer. Y/n looked up to me with her pretty wide smile and grabbed my hand and letting her focus go back to the stage. "I'm still here breathing now until I'm set free", the singer continued to sing. A weird feeling came over me as I watched y/n look at the stage. A feeling I wasn't used to. My smile dropped while and so did my hand.
     It bar started to be filled with this burnt smell like a fire had started. I looked up and saw that one of the flags hanging up on the wall had caught fire. Everyone in the bar slowly started noticing as well and everyone strayed screaming and panicking. Bodies being trampled on, parts of the bars building falling on people, and people down right just catching on fire. I looked at y/n to notice she was still looking at the lead singer as he watched the people burn and run for their lives.
     I noticed him smirking a bit but didn't pay too much mind to the jerk who did absolutely nothing to help. I hurried and grabbed y/n and ran for the dirty single person bathroom. I pushed her up on the toilet seat so she could climb out the little window. After we both managed to exit the bathroom she had still had not said a word. I crouched down to y/ns level on the floor and looked her in the eyes.
     "Y/N-" I patted her cheek noticing she still looked like she was in a trance. "Y/n come on give me your keys we need to leave now", I said while raising my voice higher as I grew more frustrated while digging through her coat pockets to grab the keys. I wouldn't even really say I was really frustrated but I was afraid. Afraid of what I just witnessed and the fact my best friend still wasn't responding to me.
     "Oh my god just the people I was looking for... so glad you two made it out", the lead singers sarcastic voice came closer to us. He had a drink in his hand but I noticed he wasn't drinking it. I knew something was off and immediately tried to seem more intimidating by standing up to his level. "Hey leave us the hell alone... okay", I said with a serious tone and expression. The lead singer just chuckled and looked down to y/n. "Hey y/n I think we should leave now, it's not safe out here", he said in a mocking tone.
     Y/n immediately looked up at him innocently and stood up slowly with the help of the devils own hand. "Come on y/n let me show you my cool van", the lead singer said as he passed his drink to her. Y/n grabbed the drink but before she could take a sip of it I snatched it from her hands. "What the hell is wrong with you Jungkook?!", Y/n exclaimed while looking at me as if I did something wrong. "NO what's wrong with you?! Why are you acting like this?! Let's just go home!", I yelled back reaching for her hand and looking at her with an accusing look on my face. She pulled her hand before I could touch it.
     The lead singer just stood there and watched us bicker. I was so angry and confused about everything that I completely dismissed the fact there was still a growing fire happening behind us. "You know what just forget it... go with that stupid jerk and never talk to me again!", I yelled at her. The lead singer whispered something in her ear, put his arm around her and they walked off towards the van. As the door was closing I made eye contact with y/n. Oh if only I knew what was gonna happen that night.

Soooo......I'm cheesing so hard right now. Finished this part in a day. Still some edits i might make but for now this is what I'm working with. Let me know how it is so far. If you couldn't tell already this is basically a rip off of Jennifers Body my favorite movie( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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