The new kid

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Draco's pov:

I walked up the stairs to wake up my little sister y/n. Today was our first day back to hogwarts and im starting my 6th year, shes starting her 5th. Im pretty protective of her because after all she is nothing like my father. She is more like my mother, very sweet, kind, caring, but then whenever she gets mad she becomes like our father. Mean, loud, vicous, sometimes she throws stuff at me or i can hear her yelling in her room.

As im walking up the stairs i can hear something. Like someone is throwing stuff. It was coming from y/n's room. I started walking faster up the stairs and towards her door. I heard quite sobbs coming from her room, i opened the door and found the pictures of her and her boyfriend all over the floor with the frames cracked and the pictures ripped.

I walked around the corner and saw her sitting with her eyes in her knees bye her closet holding a picture of her and her boyfriend.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I said calmy as i ran over to her.
"What happened?" I said holding her close to me.

"He broke up with me." She said holding onto me tight. I emmiediatly clenched my fists and my jaw. I continued holding onto her. She continued to sob into my chest as i held her. I thought of a plan. A plan to get back at that stupid harry potter for hurting my sister.

They had been together since almost 1st year. My father had to learn how to be nice to potter just because y/n asked him to. Y/n and my father have always been close, close enough for even the person he despised the most he had to learn how to accept.

My mother on the other hand was always nice to everyone. She didnt mind y/n dating him, but me and father most certainly did. Im going to make potter pay for how he is making y/n feel. The way he is making our whole family feel. He thinks he can just come marching into her live and ruining the relationship with her, me, and our father? Well he is wrong.
When y/n was done crying she eventually fell asleep. I picked her up and placed her on her bed which was covered with glass. So before i picked her up i grabbed a new blanket and took the old one off.

I picked her up off the ground and placed her on her bed. She had her bags packed and ready bye the door, so i grabbed them and let her sleep til it was time to go.

I walked down the stairs with her bags in hand. I walked all the way down before mother had stopped me and asked, "I heard something break, is everything alright?" "That little parseltongue pottah broke up with y/n" "oh dear lord, is she alright?" "She'll be fine, she just needs time, she is sleeping right now, and i brought her bags down, ill wake her up when its time to go" "ok thank you darling" "your welcome mum"
Y/n's pov:

I woke up on my bed and I had almost forgot what had happened until I stood up and almost stepped on a bunch of glass. I remembered that Harry had broke up with me. I couldnt believe it. I couldnt believe after all these years together, he left me. I loved him and i thought he loved me. But i was wrong. I was always wrong.

I decided to get dressed in a baggy t and some black leggings, i tucked in the shirt and put on a belt. I put on some white tennies and me and draco left.

--------------------------We arrived at the platform 9 & 3/4

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We arrived at the platform 9 & 3/4. We said our goodbyes to our parents and got onto the train with our bags in hand.

We couldnt find any empty compartments so we had to sit with 2 other slytherins named Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini. I never really talked to them only Draco did but I still dont mind sitting with them.

I was staring out the window as draco started nudging me and asked "hey, you ok?" "Ya, just dont really wanna talk about it rn" "ok, well we are almost there so id recommend you put on your robes" "alright"


As the train was pulling into the platform, I saw the person ive once loved. Harry Potter. I felt tears swell up in my eyes and as he walked by i quickly turned my head back to the window as a distraction. Draco Looked at me and he knew who i had just seen. "Ill be right back guys" he announced as he was standing up and heading the direction where potter just left towards.

"Uh oh" i said quietly to myself. This is not gonna be good, i can tell you that much.

After draco had come back after being gone for about 5 minutes, we grabbed our bags and started to leave the train, when all of a sudden i saw Harry walk out of a compartment with a bloody and im pretty sure a broken nose. I turned around and looked at draco, he looked at me with a 'i had to' kinda face. I turned around and kept walking. The Golden Trio was walking in front of, specifically Hermione, then Ron, Then Harry right in front of me. I walked a little quicker so i could whisper "im sorry abt Draco" in his ear. I think he heard me cuz as i passed him he gave me a slight head nod as an acceptance.


Me, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle were all sitting at the slytherin table in the great hall. I never really liked Crabbe or Goyle but Draco told me that Crabbe has had a crush on me since 2nd year. I guess i spaced out while Dumbledore was talking cuz Draco had been nudging me trying to get my attention for at least 5 minutes. "What do ya want, ya stupid cunt" I finally snapped at him. "Sorry but did you see the new 5th year?" "No, why?" "I dont know but he looks cool, look hes about to get sorted" Draco said as he pointed towards the front of the great hall. I turned around, and when i did the new boy who was at least 5'5"or 5'6", had fluffy hair, a couple scars, and was wearing a suit and he had beautiful brown eyes that shimmered in the candles hung up around the great hall, looked my way, not knowing where to look while waiting in line.

"Mattheo Riddle" Proffeser McGonagall said clearly loud enough for the kids all the way in the back to hear. As the new kid started walking towards the seating seat, he kept eye contact with me, and I followed his gaze while he was walking. He sat down, now looking at proffesser McGonagall as she set the sorting hat on his head.

The sorting hat took about 2 seconds to sort him into his house.

"SLYTHERIN" the sorting hat yelled across the room, as the whole slytherin table errupted in cheers.

I wasnt even paying attention to the table, all i was focused on was Mattheo Riddle. He caught my eyes again and we kept eye contact as he walked over to us and sat down right next to me.

"Hi.." I said in a whisper, "Im y/n" i said while holding out my hand for him to shake.

"Mattheo Riddle" He said Calmy as he shook my hand.

"Uhh, this is Draco Malfoy, my brother, Pansy Parkinson, one of my bestfriends, Blaise Zabini one of my brothers bsfs, and Crabbe and Goyle my brothers goons" I said pointing to everyone as I said there names.

"Nice to meet you all"


Y/n stop u cant have those  kinds of thoughts about a man u JUST MET.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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