paige in the murder house ahs fan fic

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Chapter 1- The Beginning of Something Horrifying


AS I ARRIVED at the tall, twisted house, I walked past the front yard legs shaking breathing heavy from fear. I didn't even take one step into the house and then there was a little girl telling me I was going to die in there I ignored it but every time I did the voice got louder and closer. I just ran into the house petrified. The maid matron showed us around the house and said we was free to ask any questions. I asked her who lived in this house before us. She answered back and said this man called Graham and his wife Marilyn were murdered. She showed me to my bedroom I didn't like it. Its small, cramped and I had a really strange feeling not just the bedroom the whole house. I was so knackered I was asleep at 10 that's early for me but just as I got woke up a strange, cute, mysterious boy was in front of me. He greeted himself as Tate. We was up talking most of the night he went home at 3ish. It felt like we had known each other for ever! Before he left I asked, "When will I see you again?" he replied with, "Tomorrow," as excitement erupted through my body. The next morning I heard the door, I was excited but then as I opened it I remembered my parents were going to be with me because I'm 15 they were only away for one night and I remembered Tate has to be at the house because he has counselling sessions with my father for an unknown reason. My father grabbed my arm and whispered, "Stay away from Tate. He's dangerous, promise me you will avoid him." I promised but obviously I'm still going to see him.

It was my first day at school and some girl started moaning about my smoking and how her grandmother passed away from lung cancer because of it. She kept going on about it she slapped me then I punched her teachers didn't say jack shit. When I got home I told Tate about it all he simply said, "Then kill her. One less high school bitch making lives of the less fortunate more tolerable is, in my opinion, a public service." I invited her round and said I have cocaine she said okay and then kept begging for it. I showed her the room and Tate scared the shit of her by getting some sort of creepy deformed monster scratched the side of her face I told Tate to stop and let her go. I yelled at Tate, "I thought you was joking!" he knew I was pissed off about it. I asked him about why he needed counselling sessions with my dad. After minutes of silence, Tate finally confessed and said, "I'm a psychopath."

Chapter 2-

Creepy things were happening to the house like noises in the basements noises in the night my parents keep seeing evil spirits. Anyway me and Tate went out for the night to the beach some high school kids were threatening him and Tate told me to run and I said no he forced me to I said okay I ran home. Then they chased him. A couple days later Tate was in the newspaper for killing them teens in a public library that didn't stop me and Tate being together though because I didn't know about it well I didn't believe it I didn't know Tate was like that I thought Tate was different. I heard him in counselling with my dad he said," I don't feel sad I don't feel anything it's a filthy world we live in. it's a filthy goddam hopeless world, and honestly I feel like I'm helping to take them away. So my parents called me down for dinner and we had to have a "group discussion". Which meant bad news they told me there selling the house and dads moving away I said is there another option because both of you are making me want to kill myself. After all we didn't move but I was depressed when I was alone I overdosed and tate found me trying to get me breathing he tried so hard I woke up he hugged me. After my parents were out it was just me and tate

Chapter 3

Tate went up to the basement with me he started to scare me I ran downstairs crying he grabbed me and said I would never hurt you I care about your feelings more than mine and held my hand and said to my I need to show you something I said okay he took me up to the main bit of the basement and I found myself dead I started to cry again he said it was alright and gave me a hug I said I thought you saved me he said I tried to but you took so many pills I said,"how many"? he said 23 that was a lot but a few days later after all this time I thought I was saving you but you're the one who tried to save me I whispered in his ear I will never forget what you did for me I love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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