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**[This is an alternative story to the Pure series! So remember that, and know that they'll be few similarities. However you don't need to read the series, to read this book.]


The triplet's P.O.V.


Let's get this straight I'm Ashlin, the oldest of the triplets. We're identical so you can't tell us apart unless you really know us. We're 'Pure' black wolves, and are the first of our kind to be born triplets.

In case you don't know, what a 'Pure' werewolf is, its a werewolf who contains magical abilities, and are a solid black, or white. But in our case 'Pure's' have only ever been born female, so that means that we're all black wolves. There's only one other black 'Pure' wolf along with us, so 'Pure's' are really rare. Also 'Pure's' are only born with thick Alpha blood in them.

However 'Pure's' only get all of their powers when they meet their mate, and mate with them. So right now, my sisters and I only have one small power each.

I have the power over other werewolves. Whereas Brandy is able to communicate to anyone through mind link. As for Connie, she's able to shift into any type of werewolf, so that she can make herself seem a normal werewolf to anyone, if she wills it.

Regular werewolves shifted at thirteen, whereas we shifted at ten. Though everyone would find their mate once they turned fifteen. My sisters and I are already eighteen, and haven't found our mate yet. Yes, I said mate because our wolves told us since we're identical and triplets, we'll most likely have one mate. Though it could be male or female.

Anyways back to the point. My sisters and I are being held at gun point by these stupid royal guards.

More like royal pain in my ass., Ashley, my wolf growls.


Twenty minutes ago, fifty guards of the royal kingdom surrounded the pack house.

"Alpha triplets, we request your presence, in front of the General of the Royal Guards!" A cold voice shouted outside the pack house.

As we step out of the house and in front of them, Ashlin growls out, as she motions us to be quite, "What service do you need from us, you stupid mutts?"

The General steps forward, and shouts, "Have some respect, you terrible Alphas."

As soon as he said that, all wolves from our pack, Black Fury, growls angrily at the guards, who all step back and look around hesitantly.

Connie looks at him with calm ease, and replies, "Please do not insult us, for though you are all guards of the Royals, it doesn't mean anything to us. For just us three can kill you all in an instant. Now, may you state your business, and leave."

I see sweat drip from the General's face, as he tells us, "As you know three days from now it'll be the Prince's birthday, and on that day, he will be crowned King of Werewolves. Now, he has invited all unmated werewolves to attend to his party, so he may find his mate, and our Queen."

I scoff, and ask, "So you except us to come, with all of the unmated wolves of our pack, and make them journey all the way to wherever that stupid kingdom of yours is?"

The General rolls his eyes, and answers, "Yes, but they'll all be blindfolded, for a few hours. Also, I'm not talking about just them, I'm talking about you three too."

Ashlin and Connie growled, and put me behind them, they say in unison, "No way, we don't needa go, why would us Alphas, want to go? We're staying here to protect our pack."

I stare at them with a smile, but it soon vanishes, when I see all the guards hold up guns at us, and our pack. The General smirks, and states, "You girls don't have much of a choice, after all you don't have a mate yet."

Me being the scardey cat I am, I passed out from fright.


I knew from the second the damn guards showed that they had guns, that Brandy would panic, Ashlin would fight, and that I would try and be the peace maker.

"Now, now, everyone, calm down. I'm sure we can figure something out." I began.

Ashlin growls at them, as she held Brandy in her arms protectively. Ashlin's always been very protective over us, especially Brandy since she has a weaker body than us.

"Sis, chill, maybe we can make a deal." I whisper to Ashlin. She calms down, and nods.

The General says, "Sorry Alphas, but this was ordered by the Prince. So nothing can be changed."

"How about, only those over thirteen who've shifted?" I ask.

The General nods, "Fine, now nighty night, mutts, have a nice nap."

Then all the guards point their guns at us, and shoot. Everyone falls to the ground, and soon so do Ashlin and I.

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