On the Day of the dead

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Long, long ago a girl (Clarisa) died from a car crash which she had with her parents;
The past:
One morning Clarisa and her parents went out to have their supper somewhere nearby. On the way back Clarisa's dad was in a rush so he drove as fast as he can and there was a dead end; they fell in to a lake and were found after three years and a half and were taken to there graves.
Past over:
After five years past on, it was time for the celebration "Day of the dead" when all the ghosts came out of their graves. But something suspicious happened to Clarisa; her ghost didn't come out she was the one who came out of her grave. Her parents ghosts didn't come out neither did they come out. She had an older brother that was standing in front of her grave. She got out of her grave and tapped him by the shoulder. He was really surprised when he saw her. He was creeped out. He asked everyone to make sure he was ok everyone could see Clarisa.
The secret remained a secret for the rest of everyones life!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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