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"-condere bestialiter lineamenta sepultus est intra."

Tommy had completed the incantation.

All that was left was to see if it was successful.

He grabbed his dagger, which was engraved with multiple lingual markings, and pointed it towards his wrist.

He then slit his wrist, making a light cut with blood seeping out almost immediately.

It was stained red.


It had worked.

He wiped the dagger with a cloth, then muttering a few more words, his hand hovering over the slit.

"suo et seminat in sanguinem influit, mitte ad carnem eius humilis mansit."

The slit then seemed to slowly shrink, the blood reversing its actions and returning to his flesh.

There was no mark left behind, a clean sigil engraved in cryptic characters that enlarged, vanishing.

The heal was also a success.

Now, all that was left was to head downstairs.

The clock on his nightstand read '11:40 AM'.

It was early.

Well, for him it was.

He let out a nervous sigh, and proceeded to stride down the stairs towards the awkward scene unfolding.

Techno was simply reading by the fireplace; Wilbur was simply strumming some chords on his guitar.

"Morning, Tommy." A voice called.

Tommy nearly jumped at the sudden greeting.

He was responded with a light chuckle.

He turned to see Phil, his adoptive father.

"Morning, Phil." Tommy groaned, rubbing at his eyes sleepily.

It was normal for Tommy to get spooked in the household.

Everyone were like fucking ghosts, vanishing only to reappear right behind you at the most unexpecting moment.

Phil's smile slowly overlapped into a frown.

"I went through this with you many times, you need to stop staying awake so late. And what did I say about calling me by my name?" He tutted, ruffling at Tommy's hair exasperatedly.

Tommy giggled.

"What? Makes you feel old, Mr Minecraft?" he cackled, beaming.

It was almost as if Tommy was rejuvenated.

Phil broke out in laughter, a small snort coming from Techno and a smile from Wilbur in the corner.

"Oh you little shit. I fucking oughta punt you ya prick" He laughed, karate chopping Tommy's head softly.

"Oh no, he's got me, whatever will I do~" said Tommy sarcastically, performing fake acts of defeat.

Aside from talking from Wilbur and Phil, the day went by quite slowly.

There was barely anything to do.

Not yet.

He also had some breakfast, too.

Let's not forget about that.

As Phil would say,

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Tommy, however, disagrees.

He doesn't really enjoy eating that much, especially if whatever he is doesn't have enough salt.

His species are prone to be in saltwater biomes, and they technically cannot live without it.

And if he were to eat something missing a bit of salt, he wouldn't quite enjoy it.

Wilbur was fazed when he found out Tommy was obsessed with it.

He went on joking about how he was like a 'salt monster'.

Tommy couldn't help but laugh himself.

If only Wilbur knew.

Phil was an avian, with Techno and Wilbur being in between hybrid and avian.

Phil was moreover a crow-hybrid, while Wilbur was a slight mixture between phantom and avian.

Techno, however, he had no fucking idea.

One thing was that his wings were massive - bigger than Phil's, surprisingly.

He was sure Techno was a bird of prey.

And that just made it more dangerous on the playing field.

He couldn't let his hybrid traits let out.

Especially when avians were notorious  for eating fish and murdering his species.

He could die here.

And when they see him in his natural form, they won't hesitate at all.

It's just 'bird instinct'.

He fucking hated how he had to be so secretive with his family.

Tommy thought it would be unfair to live in an untrusting environment, where you couldn't believe in negative things that could occur to you IF you were to reveal things.

Tommy thought no one should experience that.

Yet here he was, hiding his truths.

Tommy's thoughts were then interrupted by Wilbur calling him.


"Yeah?" Tommy answered, blinking as he turned to Wilbur.

"You were spacing out. Are you ok?" He asked.

Tommy slightly raised his shoulders.

"Y-yeah, just had a long train of thought." He stammered, trying to remove the concern from Wilbur's face.

Wilbur blinked, "If you say so then."

Tommy winced as Wilbur ruffled his hair.

He practically cooed at how messy his hair was.

Not because it was messy, it was because Wilbur thought Tommy looked adorable.

"Aw fuck off you massive softie." Tommy groaned sarcastically, lightly punching Wilbur in the shoulder.

"Aha, ow-" Wilbur chuckled between laughs.

Tommy was fine with living with them as a whole.

If he'd ignore how dangerous it was.

He was fine here.

He didn't want to lose them.

Or, in another case, lose himself.

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