Get up no earlier no later than 6 am. Drink a glass of water. Precisely half an hour for a quick easy exercises, 10 minutes for bathroom procedures, 15 minutes for breakfast and exactly the same amount of time for making myself look decent - to do my hair, check if there are wrinkles on the clothes, check if my shoes are clean enough and check if everything I need is inside my bag.
I make my way to work by foot and bus which generally takes 35 minutes, which makes it possible for me to arrive at 07.45 - in advance, as to not be late.
The schedule plays a significant part in my world. Everything is based on order and control.
If you don't follow the prescribed norms, you feel pain. Real physical pain.
Everyone has got sensors on their phones' app, which show if you meet the stated requirements, how successful you are in following the rules and regulations.
Your life is written for you beforehand, the only task is to stick to the plan: eat what's required, sleep as much as required, feel what's required.
No one knows how exactly the system of punishment for deviating from the plan works.
Someone says people are microchipped, others - that they get a secret injection right after being born.
There is even a theory about the giant domes above the city, which direct invisible rays of pain on those who don't obey.Anyway, the fact is we have to do what's expected.
No one wants to feel pain.
It may seem there is nothing easier than following the rules, but what if you just don't have to anymore...
What If Just...
Romance/A romantic novel with some features of a dystopia close to reality/ Vivian lives in a world where everything must go according to the plan. Order and security are the foundation of this world, as well as total control and painful punishment for th...