I'm being forced to do this against my will

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        It was a nice sunny day in the kingdom of Keolia, Sorbet was swimming around in the endless ocean around the kingdom.
They proceed to swim closer to the shore, being prepared to go back home. They did enjoy the coolness of the water, but they preferred seeing their friends, Peppermint and Soda cookie.

 They did enjoy the coolness of the water, but they preferred seeing their friends, Peppermint and Soda cookie

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(Im not gonna put any more effort into this crap, I don't want to try and draw water anymore)

As Sorbet was swimming up to shore they saw something fall from above
The lure of the shiny object caught their eye, they new it was Squid Inks thing to be interested in little treasures, but Sorbet couldn't resist the temptation to grab it. As they swam over creating bubbles with their tail, they reached out their arm, getting ready to grab it.
Just then the shiny object pierced through Sorbets hand. Strawberry jam oozing out and fading and disappearing in the endless ocean. "Ouch! Ow! I got to get this out of my arm, it hurts, it hurts!" Sorbet gurgled underwater.
Just then a sharp pull tugged Sorbet up, slowly, and slowly, each time making a crack in Sorbets arm.

After what felt like 10 minutes Sorbet finally reached the shoreline, turning back into their cookie from.
They then look down at their arm, to see there was a crack from their inner forearm to wrist.

They then look down at their arm, to see there was a crack from their inner forearm to wrist

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"OOo-O0oO?" Terrified and tired Oooos were heard from Sorbet Shark.
All of a sudden, Sorbet heard voices, new voices they haven't heard before, although the voices were muffled from Sorbets daze.
|muffled beings talking|
"What is this thing?" A somewhat old man with a deep voice spoke out. He sounded angry, what for?
"Clam down, you'd scare the poor thing," another man spoke out, he had a kind tone in his voice, nothing to high nor to deep.
"Do you think it's dangerous? It came from the ocean!" A boastful and bright women said, with a British accent.
"It doesn't look like it, pfft, what a pity! What should we do with it?" another slightly British women said, she was floating or flying in mid air. Sorbet blinked twice to make sure they weren't hallucinating.

A tall women looked down at Sorbet and then leaned down to inspect Sorbet a bit further, she had reddish- maroon eyes that took a good long stare before getting up and looking at her friends again, "The creature doesn't seem to talk" the kind woman said, all of a sudden interrupted with a "OOoOoOo0Oo!"

|a few minutes later|
The group of cookies were confused, they were whispering things Sorbet couldn't hear.
"What should we do with them?"
"The poor creature's injured, look what you've done to their arm!"
"Don't get too attached, they could be dangerous"
"I would normally go along with your plan but; I agree, this creature could possibly be dangerous"
"They look so young! What kind harm could this little fella cause anyway?"
"Stand down Vanilla!"
"I'll just go with my solution"

The cookie with long black hair picked up Sorbet, Sorbet had an uneasy feeling, the man's grasp was strong. Sorbet was practically holding their breath at this point.

Sorbet felt warmth of a fire on the beach, in fact, it was a campfire. Sorbet kneeled down near it in fascination, they have seen a campfire before but never realized how pretty the orange and yellow blend in together, to make a spiked shape and edges that faded into the sky. It only took a few seconds for things to go south.
Sorbet felt a sharp pain against their chest, no, through their chest, "oo-?"Sorbet said in a confused hurt way. They looked down seeing a silver and purple sword right under their chin. Sorbet started coughing, coughing up jam. Then, what felt and looked like a purple type of lighting shocked Sorbet, paralyzing them. Of course, that killed them off.
"Hm...." Dark Cocoa took the sword out. Pure Vanilla spoke out, "Why on earthbread would you do that?! That was a kid! I can't believe this..the one time I don't being my staff...THE ONE TIME!" Pure Vanilla paces around holding his head in distraught. "Dark Cocoa.." Golden Cheese struggles to find her words, "W-why? I know I'm always up for action, but this? Not cool..." Golden Cheese says, unsure of her statement, or if it made an impact on Dark Cocoa's feelings. Hollyberry just looks at Sorbet. "You're a sick monster, Dark Cocoa..." Hollyberry  says in a quiet but angry tone, "I can't believe you,"
White lily stays silent.

|While Later|
Dark Cocoa looks down at the lifeless cookie, dark, burnt areas surround the wound, "What should we do with them?" Dark Cocoa says in a harsh demanding tone, but his tone slightly softened with a tint of regret. "Might was well eat the remains," Golden Cheese says sarcastically while crossing her arms mid air, still sounding upset. Dark Cocoa didn't know what else to do, of course, he knew Golden Cheese was just being sarcastic, but it was all there. A burning fire, casting a golden shine on Dark Cocoa's armor, sticks and utensils, there was an easier way of course-
But he did it anyway, as if he had gone mad.

|9:57 in the evening|
"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you sick?!" Hollyberry screamed. "Dude! I wasn't serious! Stop!" Golden cheese yelled, even tho she knew it was too late. Pure Vanilla said nothing, as he stared in disbelief. He knew he couldn't do anything at this point. White lily stared, no emotion whatsoever, she just kept looking, and looking.

Then a smile appears on her face.

Sorbet Shark gets murdered (old and a joke)Where stories live. Discover now