First meet

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I can feel many eyes gazing at us but little do I care. My breathing gets unstable with every passing second, my heart beats like crazy but the person in front of me, the heartless beast, stands unfazed. How can he say this without any shred of emotion? Were we never meant to be? Was our relationship just an act? All kinds of thoughts kept running through my mind. He spoke with his cold yet husky voice," did you hear me? Should I repeat myself?"
"We are done. I don't wanna continue. let's break up."
I could no longer hold it in. I broke into tears. Tears kept coming. All our memories together, all the moments that I cherished were just fading away.
Saun walked away but I was still standing there crying when the rain started pouring out. It was like a scene straight out of a movie. "We're done" I repeated those words, my heart was aching. I walked back home getting wet in the rain. And that's how my First love ended.

"My eyes look too red and puffy. I don't think that even makeup can hide it." I said as looked at myself in the mirror "Just leave. I'll just put my hair down and wear a pair of glasses. No one will notice. I don't bring attention anyways."
I styled myself according to the school dress code along with my thick nerdy glasses. I took my backpack and went downstairs.
"Good morning sweetheart."
"Good morning mom"
I sat down for my breakfast. It was the same boring cereals but I didn't complain. They weren't that bad either. After having my breakfast I bid my mother farewell and got on my way to school. It was just a 15mins walk. I saw a couple of girls going together. I didn't have a friend. Haah...
*hits the back* " Hey nerd! How are u? How was the weekend? Wait- were you crying? Why are your eyes so red?!?!"
Ohh this is my classmate Aad. Do you say he is my friend? Nah, never this annoying brat always teases me. With him near me, I can never breathe in peace.
"Why aren't you answering me?" I could feel the worry in his voice.
"Nah nothing. I just had a bad breakup with my bf. I am over it." I lied in the last part.
"What really??! That Bastard! Did he cheat on you? "
"No, he didn't. " I kept my answers short.
"Oh... It's fine that he is be gone." Aad said cheerfully.
Did I see that right? Well, whatever.


I entered the classroom. As always, no one noticed me. I took a seat at the second last bench of the last row. The class was noisy. I could hear the girls gossip about the new drama while some were fixing their makeup. The boys were talking about their fav games while nerds like me were reading their books(on the first day of high school?). A typical classroom. I wish I could pass my high school years quietly and peacefully. Just when I was spacing out in my world little world I heard the teacher say," Good morning class."
"Goooooooddddd mornnnninnngg teaaachheerr."
Oh. The typical morning greeting by a class.
"Please take your seats, everyone."
I sat down. Then starting wondering in my little wonderland.
" Today we have a transfer student. Please come in."
The class went "ohhhh"
The transferred student was tall and handsome with a model-like figure.
"Please introduce yourself."
The whole class was eagerly waiting for him to speak.
" Hello everyone, I am Yuen wilson. I hope we get along."
Brief, simple and unenthusiastically he finished his introduction.
"Okay, now Yuen go and sit behind Roseanne."
I came back to my senses. I heard Maam say my name, it was then we had our first eye contact. Woaaahh-, was he sculpted by the Greek gods. So handsome.. I was the first one to look away. I could even hear some girls jealous whispers. He made his way and sat behind me. Ahh this heart, why are you beating so much. Calm down. breathe in, breathe out. Ok, better.

"Okay kids, today is the first day so let's start our class with a little English. Go to page 12 of your textbook."
I reached out for my book. *tap tap*
I turned back, again facing him.
" I don't have the book, can you share it with me."
Ohhhhhhhhh... Ok, that's fine. I need to just share the book with him. Nothing more. *sigh*
"Yeah sure." I sat beside him.

*ding dong ding*   the first class ended. Yuen went back to his seat. Moreover, he didn't even pay attention to what the teacher was saying.  He Was continuously looking out from the window. Whatever, Not everyone loves studies. I was on my way to the cafeteria when a group of girls, all from my class, stopped me from my track. "Umm, excuse me, please." I tried to pass through them but they kept on blocking my path. At last one girl, who seemed like their leader, held my wrist and dragged me to a corner. She slammed to one of the walls and said," do you think that Yuen will ever like u. You look at Yuen like how a carnivore looks at his prey. So disgusting." And who says this? The people who think of themselves as his bride?
" I think that you shouldn't be saying that to me."
" haaaa what you said. !?! "  the girl rose her hand to slap me. I closed my eyes waiting for her slap but it never reached me. When I opened my eyes I saw....

     End of chapter 1.
Next update on sunday. Stay tuned

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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