one- run

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Running was the only thing on my mind.


As far as my tiny legs could carry me.
Just run.


My lungs were screaming for air, my body wanted me to stop, it had reached its limit.
But no, i needed to go. I needed to run Far away from them, far away from rogues.


In the werewolf world, rogues were packless wolves. They were lone wolves. They had either been banished from their pack, or probably never even born into a pack. As time went on, they weren't just banished wolves. They were wolves with one aim, one goal and one vision.

To overthrow the Alpha King.

Just like in every Kingdom, there were always those who did not agree to the way the Kingdom was run. They believed they had better ideas, better principals.
They were power hungry wolves. They invaded smaller packs to expand the territory. They knew if they amassed enough land they can grow an army strong enough to over the Alpha King.

To be honest, i always thought it was overly ridiculous to even think about overthrowing The Alpha King.
It is said that he is the strongest, most ferocious, ruthless and the most merciless of all the Alphas. He had the strength of a hundred Alphas.

It is said he showed no mercy towards rogues, or anyone who showed up on his territory unannounced. You will be killed on sight.

The Alpha king was everyone's nightmare. He didn't really care for gatherings. There are a number of Alphas who have never set eyes on him. Some even go as far to say he was a myth. But we all knew that was far from the truth. He existed. And he was existence. The Alpha King was among first werewolves ever created by the moon Goddess. His kind bore us, the lesser breed. In essence he was our god, although we didn't necessarily worship him. We did fear him.

He was however the last of his kind. It is said that he was born to the third Alpha King, King Dylan. At the time, King Dylan ruled over all werewolves. He grew power thirsty by the day. He single-handedly annihilated his kind including his mate, Yamelith. Leaving only his son behind, Azair. He taught his son his bloodthirsty ways at such a tender age, abusing him in ways only one can imagine. Azair grew up even more dangerous than his father, more ferocious, more vicious. When he came of age, he murdered his father and ascended the throne. After all, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

Rogues of all kind has tried to overthrow Azair, and have met the life's end miserably. What these rogues were planning to do, was not a new thing.

It was a normal pack day, being an Omega, it was a normal day of endless chores. Endless beatings. Endless insults. My mother and I had to go through every second of hell being in this pack. We didn't own a decent home, or even decent clothes. We had nothing to our name. I've heard my mother cry herself to sleep many times wishing she could've given me a better life, given us a better life. But it was reality. We had no better life.

A normal day it was, when suddenly rogues were everywhere. The pack was too unprepared to fight, it was an easy win, not on our side though.
I had been cleaning the Female Gamma's room when i heard screams everywhere. In an instant my mother was pulling me towards an exit. We run to the nearest building close to the woods so that we can easily escape. As we run i turned my head to look behind and realized we had caught the attention of some rogues who were running in our direction. But we were almost there, we could escape.

That's when the Goddess decided to shit on me.

My mother tripped and she fell, i tried to get her up, but she had twisted her ankle.
"Go, run", she said with tears in her eyes
"M-m-mum, p-please", i stammered.
desperately trying to get my mum to stand. They were coming, they were close.

"Go, leave me here baby, You're more important than me. please, just go, please." she cried, and i knew i had to go.
She used the last ounce of her strength to push me and i began to run. I heard a bloodcurdling scream, i turned to see, and i wished i didn't.
They tore my mother's head off her shoulders. He did it.
The man i thought i'd never see.
My father.

I bring myself from my thoughts, hot tears running down my cheeks as i run for my dear life.

I had been running for what felt like hours when my body just gave up and i fell face down. I was so tired, so exhausted, even if my mind wanted to run some more, there was no way my body would ever comply. So i gave up and fell asleep right where i lay, in the middle of nowhere.

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