Love with the man from the snow

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The snowflakes stung my hands like bees, my cold feet cuddling together to become warm in their cold boots. My blond cold curls blew in front of my face hiding my green eyes from the world. As I thought of home pictures of being beaten and being cut flashed through my head. My eyes full of tears and the gentle tears flowing over my frozen white cheeks. A gentle warn hand pulls me up and wipes my tears, his hands so warm but my face is so cold. I finally look up and saw a man with brown curly hair gelled to the side and beautiful concerned green eyes searched me as I cried.

"What is your name?" he questioned

I swallowed hard "Ellie" I managed to get out, he smiled.

"why are you crying Ellie?" he asked

"I ran away from home and I don't know what to do now I don't have anyone anywhere to go," I sobbed as more tears filled my eyes and my head dropped to the ground. He was looking at me I could feel his warmth shining on me.

"come with me out of this cold weather," he said with his sweet voice.

I let him put his warm jacket around my cold shoulders and I let him whisk me away into the dark.

I don't remember much apart from stumbling and falling into the cold snow. I must have blacked out or something but when I woke I was warm cosy. The room was bright and colourful splashes of green and blue. I was amazed at the art hanging on the wall the picture of a green bird flying with a blue splashes of paint reaching for the bird. I snuggled down in the soft blue silky sheets and the fluffy blue dona. Where was I? I asked myself this a million times before remembering the man, the warm hands, his brown curls and his eyes. Where did he take me I wondered to myself? Is this where he took me to kill me or hurt me but I couldn't think he could do that he was so sweet and charming.

The door squeaked open and I hid under my covers hoping he would forget about me and think I have run away. I heard laughing it must be him, he knows I am here. I feel the bed sink towards the direction of the door.

"Ellie what are you hiding from? It's only me and it is time to wake up are you hungry?" the warm voice asked as he pulled the covers down my face.

I looked up and saw his beautiful smile and his cute dimples dipping in softly to his cheeks.

"OK I will be down stairs if you want me" he said as he left. I sprung to life and jumped out of bed.

"Food" I whispered to myself. I swallowed and walked out the door and looked down the champagne coloured hall ways and looked the direction he went. My black shirt stuck to the wall in case he springs out and kills me. My legs move slowly and carefully so my blue ripped jeans don't make a sound against each other. I looked at the wood floor as it turned to stairs. I take a breath and move one cold foot down to the first stair, trying not to make a sound. The step was silent and I hurried the next few until my foot slipped and I lost my balance and I fell head first rolling down the stairs then sliding the last few. The pain in my head and my back made me groan in pain. I rolled slowly to my stomach to relive my back from the pain.

"That's a funny way to get down stairs," the man chuckled as he flipped the golden pancake. I struggled to my feet and looked at his face focused on the food. I looked around the white tiles felt cold under my feet and the bright lights seemed to light up the white room so nicely. The middle counter had perfect little chairs in a line and the stove looked so clean it sparkled in the light from the glass windows and doors on the left. I looked out the window and the white cold snow was melting and the green spring grass coming through. I smiled and walked over to the glass. I laid my delicate little hand on the cold glass, the light from the sun blinding my eyes making my close them. I opened them and took the pain of the light and looked outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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