I: Goodbye England, Hello Japan

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How long have I been sleeping
I woke up in the taxi, squashed up against one of my suitcases on one of the backseats of the car.
"Hey, Miko, are you awake? We're almost there"
My dad was sitting in the front of the taxi, he was the only one who came to see me off, I said all of my goodbyes to everyone back at my house but my dad was determine to see me off at the airport.
While my dad was making small talk with the taxi driver I pulled out my phone and opened LINE. The plan was to arrive in Japan and meet up with an old friend I met at a fashion event but I haven't seen him for so long, I'm kind of nervous about meeting him. I remember him being small and pale, he had red and black hair back then but he's probably dyed it by now considering that was two years ago.
"We're here~" my dad sang distracting me from my thoughts and bringing me back to reality.
We go out of the taxi and my dad helped me drag my suitcases out of the taxi, one black leather with silver and the other pure white with gold.
After a quick and tearful goodbye I set of to board my flight.
The flight leaves at 11 so I have a big of time to grab some food..
I changed my route and headed to the closest shop to buy some sweets, after all it's a long flight.
I'm cutting it close
I started to speed walking to board the plane and I made it just in time, thank god.
I sat down in my seat and waited for the plane to take off. Again my mind started to think about him.
Was he still small and thin like before? He might act different now, or he might get frustrated because my Japanese isn't perfect. Will we be able to understand each other...
Useless thoughts that I wouldn't know the answer too until I met him. I sighed as the plane too off into the sky, might aw well sleep while I can...

15 hours later

"Excuse me, miss, we've arrived"
I took out my headphones and was greeted by one of the flight attendants
"Oh I'm sorry excuse me"
I hurried off the plane with my bag and joined all of the other passengers who were waiting to collect their luggage. Mine weren't hard to spot compare to the normal and boring other suitcases so I didn't have to look hard. after some help getting the suitcases off the conveyer belt I made my was to the front of Narita airport. When I got outside I pulled out my phone and searched for his number.
Ring ring. Ring Ring. Ring ring.
"Miko...Miko is that you?"
I turned around after hearing my name.
"Takanori!" He looked the same but different, he had short blonde hair and blue lenses in, black leather jeans with zips and rips in them and a matching leather jacket.
"I told you to call me Ruki, RuKiiii" he flicked my head and cheekily smiled. he hasn't changed. His voice was still as deep as ever, I forgot it sounded like that.
"You look cute"
I was caught of guard by that compliment and started to stutter "Oh. Um y-yeah thanks"
He laughed at me then
grabbed one of my suitcases and started wheeling it away with him
"Come on the cars this way" he called while walking off. I chased after him with my other suitcase to his car. It was shiny and black, I don't know what car it was, I'm not good with cars but it looked nice. Ruki put my suitcases into the boot of his car and opened the door to the passenger seat. After I got in he closed the door and got in the other side of the car.
"So how does it feel to be back in Japan?" He said while starting up the engine.
"It's great, you know I love it here, I'm happy I could see you again too"
"You're so cheesy haha. It looks like you've grown into a woman in these past two years" he smirked, Ruki always made me blushed and feel flustered, but it was a feeling I missed.
We arrived outside the apartment block that I was staying at, Ruki helped me get my suitcases to my room then I walked him back to the entrance of the building.
"You really shouldn't have walked me out here, now I feel like I should walk you back to your room" he nudged my elbow
"It's fine, I mean it's only up the elevator, nothing could happen inside the building, don't worry so much"
"I guess your right" he said hesitantly "well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"
"See you tomorrow" I waved as he walked off and I walked back into the building towards the elevator. I walked in and pressed the button to the 7th floor. From what I heard there was a bar on the 2nd floor and a gym on the 3rd, and the higher the floor the better the room.
The doors opened on floor 2 and a tall blonde man stumbled in, clearly drunk. The doors closed again and and the elevator started moving again.
"Hey babe do you speak Japanese?" he was slurring his worlds
"Um, yeah"
"You know you're hot, wanna join me for a drink?"
"I'll pass, thanks"
"What? Do you know who I am?" He stumbled closer to me until my back was against the wall and trapped me with his arms against the wall. "Are you sure you done wanna join me?" He whispered into my ear, he was hot, but he was also drunk and perverted.
The doors opened on floor 7 an I ducked under his arms and walked out. The drunk man stumbled out of the elevator behind me. I rushed to get my key out to open the door when I heard him speak again
"It looks like we live next door to eachother" I turned to see him smiling smugly with his hand on the door handle.
Oh lucky me
"If you ever feeling lonely don't hesitate to come over" he winked
"Thanks..." I quickly opened the door to my apartment and walked in closing it behind me. I threw my keys on the table and went to change into some pajamas. This year is going to be long
I thought as I got into bed and drifted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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