can i just add a quick warning? okay thanks
this is way out of order, + i've been a shitty, uneducated brat for the past 12 years of my life and i probably still am
so please flame me for it
Okay this was kind of intertwined with my countryhumans phase and gacha phase, so innocent minecraft rp? absolutely not i was hella annoying
i mean at first it was fine, i started watching about 1/3 into the season grian joined in. Then i got wattpad and literally everything changed 😇
i was a p outgoing person but also very edgy and scared of abandoment? so while i had a decent sized friend group all in my neighborhood, i liked feeling outcasted ig?? but i was all "omg i have no friends" so i went on wattpad and made an announcment asking "anyone want to be my friend?"
which is stupid because i had like 4 followers who hadnt been active since weeks ago
someone actually responded, and it happened to be lune (2 year anniversary by now i think?) but i gave him my discord and i guess we just called and talked about hermit craft
and this is genuinely embarassing to say but he introduced me to shipping "online personas" (DEFINITELY not real people!!/sar)
technically aphmau did that but i was a stupid little idiot with no braincells and didnt understand it
and uh that leads me to my next big memory
grumbo, woo..
esencially it's grian x mumbo
first fic i read about it is SO vivid for no reason
it was simply called "flumbo" and it had a good and bad ending
and unless my memory serves me wrong, it was AMAZING, i genuinely enjoyed it
and THAT is where i come in again, because i decide "wow if they can do it i can too!"
short story, i couldnt.
long story? i wrote a story with no plot in mind that ended up getting over 1k reads, that made me self concious of my writing and i started doubting how good it was (-for my first fanfiction). so i switched over to writing my countryhumans ff whenever i needed a break. eventually after like 6 a/ns of being upset i just deleted it
i also drew some grumbo, and yes i still have them
me and lune made an unofficial hermitcraft server too, but ngl it was basically just for shippers,,
maybe 10 people joined in total
OH AND ALSO, i was watching an animatic as you do, i assumed it was hermitcraft
AND IT WAS but it was an AU, and i literally had to go through tons of comments just to find out where to read it (spoiler alert, that may or may not have introduced me to ao3)
dont remember the fic name, i do remember the animatic was called Karma (specifically had to search Karma grian to actually find it again)
definitely was worth the read to 5th grade me
maybe it still is
i dunno
but i liked to info dump about it
like a lot
after that i stopped watching hermitcraft, stopped drawing , and would always say "i love writing" and never actually doing it
this was probably because around this time i was doing online school for the next two quarters
trying my best not to go into detail, but it was genuinely so stressful. i stopped doing a lot of stuff i loved and started reading/watching mainly countryhuman stuff
me and lune fell out of touch quite a bit and i joined a discord server to keep me sane: krisselia's server
but thats just completely off topic
fun fact:
not sure if this is really necesaary but me and lune still keep in contact from time-to-time
definitely from pure luck that he had a tiktok but hey it counts
I info dump about my embarassing history
Randomby history i mean internet history actually begging someone to yell at past me cause wtf