Chapter one, tvd.

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Caroline POV,

I struggle to drink the blood bag Damon just gave me. As the liquid hit my throat my body calmed down. Enjoying every second of the Tallac taste. "What happened?". Stefan questions walking over to Damon and I . His eyes were on me looking for any wounds.

"Go ahead, tell him your gonna love this". Damon responses with a smirk making his way onto his lips. "I saw Katherine today". I muttered my voice shaking as I spoke.

"Where?" Stefan was quick to demand. I rolled my eyes at his rude behavior. A nice 'are you okay Carolina?' Or maybe even a 'did she hurt you?'. Would be nice. "At the grill..." I paused briefly before continuing "to you know stop by and gawk-stalk Matt".  Stefan groans running his hands over his face.

"She wants to do it in public, killing mason threw her off guard". Stefan reveals lifting his head up meeting mine and Damon glaze. "She's running scared". Damon chuckles, clearly amused by the situation. "What she did to Jenna was desperate, she's out of tricks". He continued with a bigger smirk on his face than before. "We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her". Stefan cuts in.

I laughed at his words. "Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave". I whine about ready to throw a tantrum. "No Katherine not getting dick". Damon hissed. My face light up as a idea came to mind. "Everyone has a weakness..right? Stefan and yours are Elena and mine is my mother..." I drawl out waiting to see if they'll catch on to what I'm getting at.

"Well get on with it Barbie". Damon huffed crossing his arms over his chest. "Katherine has to have a weakness but what is it?". I declared.  Demon threw his head back chuckling at my words. I pouted at his reaction. Everyone has a weakness right? Hell even Damon does. Which is very obviously Elena.

"Actually...there was rumors flying around. I didn't think it was true because well it's Katherine" Stefan announced shocking Damon and I. "What rumors Stefan? Don't tell me some bullshit. Katherine pierce has no weakness, even when it came to you she didn't waste a second to hurt you to save herself".  Damon disagreed shaking his head. I shushed him. "Shut up Damon let him speak".

Stefan mouthed a small thank you before continuing. "It's a teenage boy, I believe he's around seventeen-" Damon snickered interrupting Stefan. "His name is Scott McCall" Stefan says reclaiming the topic. My eyebrow raised, Scott McCall. I know that name.

"Is he from beacon hills?" I asked. Stefan looked at me shocked before nodding his head. confirming my suspension. "Yes I believe did you know?". He asked.  Damon looked over at me. "How the hell are we not shocked that she has a weakness". I giggle at the dumbfounded face expression Damon had on. "Tyler Lockwood, mason nephew" I reminded before remind so there's no interrupting from Damon or Stefan . Mainly Damon. That idiot never lets anyone talk without his two sense no one asked for .

"Anyways Tyler's mother has a twin sister who has a daughter named Lydia Martin who so happens to be friends with a boy named Scott McCall. Exactly she and her group of friends visited four months ago". I stated nodding my head. "And we didn't know?". Damon scoffs.

"Why would you know?". I objected rolling my eyes. Stefan tiled his head starring at Damon. "She has a point why would we know? We aren't even friends with Tyler".  Damon glared at Stefan clearly not liking that his brother took my side. As he should. "So let's go to beacon kills". Damon exclaimed already holding up a pair of keys. I frowned shaking my head.

"I have school and Elena can't be left alone". I say. Damon scoffs "really? Your worried about school? When that bitch is out to get all of us?".

"And Elena is obviously coming with us". Stefan added in. The two boys already had their minds made up but I didn't . I have school and a social life. They just expect me to go- my thoughts were cut off as darkness filled my vision.
Translate, (Elena POV now back in the Gilbert house).
I grabbed onto Jenna's arm holding her up. "Easy now, grab the door jer". Matt instructed taking Jeremy place. "Hey, stop fussing I'm fine". Jenna expresses before wincing in pain.

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