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I jolted awake and found myself in a cold sweat .It was an usual nightmare i have abut once a week. It starts with my legs in a black sludge and it slowly moves up my body. In the distance I see my family. My father ,mother , and little brother were surrounded by blood thirsty wolves . Foam was dripping from there growling mouths. I tried to scream but this black sludge has covered everything on my face except my eyes. Right before my family gets torn into a pile of bloody flesh, my mother whispers to me," it's your fault Brett." I wake up from this horrific nightmare after they are eaten alive. I pour myself a glass of water and walk back to my bedroom and slowly drip back to deep sleep.

I wake up to the smell of greasy bacon and hear my mother and father discussing his new job promotion he got last week. Slowly, I stumble out of bed and walk towards the bathroom to use the bathroom and take a shower. I grab a towel and walk into the bathroom with the clothes that I laid out the night before. i slowly step into the shower. I sit there letting the warm water hit my skin while wondering why I have this awful reoccurring dream. Why is my family being torn to pieces? Why can't I save them? Was it really my fault? I step out of the shower almost falling because of the water on the chilling tile floor. I quickly get dress because the bus will be at my house in 5 minutes.

I race downstairs to get a couple bites of my bacon and toast.My mother cheerly questions me,"how did you sleep last night sweety?"I was too tired to explain so i awkwardly replied,"pretty good." i sat down next to my younger brother nick. He exicitedly pointed at the T.V. screaming,"brett!there is a new ebola!" "use your inside voice.",my mom commands. I glance at our old T.V. and it was on the news channel. Half bald guy was sternly stating," an infection spread through Europe overnight.Victims experience nausea,couging,a high body temprature,rapid breathing and even death.Doctors say that you should stay away away from any infected. this infection can easikly spread to anyone else."

As i was scarfing down my breakfast and listening to my brother singing that annoying narwhal song,In my neighborhood i hear breaks screeching and a horn honk."The bus is here!" my father yells from the kitchen. I Grab my bag and help my brother in his weelchair. He can walk but aren't fully awake in then mornings but in the afternoons he uses two crutches.So my brother and i say good bye to our parents and tell them we lovethem and get on the bus.

The Infection from hellWhere stories live. Discover now