If I was a boy

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I wish I was a boy

With short, hazel coloured hair, that looked good in any style, that made girls stop and stare.

I wish I was a boy,

who didn't have anxiety, and wasn't scared to move to the next grade, which made everyone want to be in my class.

And I wish I was a boy

because they aren't mocked as much, so they can get away with anything.

I wish I was a boy,

with lots of friends and that I could look cool hanging out with them.

I wish I was a boy,

who had lots of pets I could show to my friends which made them love me more. 

And I wish I was a boy,

with a room that was always messy but I'd know how to clean it.

I wish I was a boy, with a cute sister which all the boys wanted to date.

I wish I was a boy,

with lots of sports clothing, which made everyone laugh.

And I wish I was a boy,

who could make good jokes and be chill telling them.

I wish I was a boy,

so that I didn't have to spend every day looking at photos of my crush.

I wish I was a boy, 

who had younger siblings I could pick up from kindergarten every day.

And I wish I was a boy,

who didn't fight with my sister, inspiring other older siblings.

But I don't have that choice.

And I never will...

If I was a boyWhere stories live. Discover now