Chapter 1

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Power. That's the first thing you thought of seeing the woman. Who could blame you? It was easy to see in the smirk her elegant features gave, the clear wealth her wardrobe conveyed, and how comfortably she sat in the gawdy throne. Such a sight left little room for the one standing before her, you'd think, but that wasn't so. There's more than one kind of power, and the other had much as well.

The way they dressed was simply ragged. Their hair was unkept. Many assumed they only owned what was one their person, and they were right. A small dagger that called their boot a sheath, a satchel and its contents, and the clothes on their back was all they had right to. Luckier than some, yes, but still a sad sight that didn't make power come to mind, especially immediately. Why was it, then, that you couldn't help but think it? Power. Perhaps it was the stance, the passionate expression, the head high, the planted feet. Words spilled form their mouth with a formulated rage. This was a power money couldn't buy.

"You can't prove anything! There is no crime in the assumption of another! You have nothing!"

"Oh, dear child, I have everything. Why else would you suddenly become this openly defiant? Yes, I say openly because I know. I know all you've prepared. These are not assumptions, but knowledge. You honestly thought you were cautious?"

She cooed when she spoke. It was a strange softness that was almost comforting. This could've been to soften the news of death penalties she was so used to giving. However, this wasn't enough to break the accused.

"Proof! I want proof! Even if what you were saying was true, why not incarcerate me?"

"Would you prefer that? That could be arranged?"

Silence, and then... "You'd need true convictions first for either of us to be locked up."

"Well, it's too late for that isn't it? I've already got one. There's no need for evidence when the crime is a known fact. I have all I need, including him."

The room grew tense. You could feel a boiling, a fuming. They stood still as stone. Suddenly, nothing seemed out of the question.

"That's what you think this is about? You honestly think this one instance is why I'm enraged? The mere concept of your heirchy is what I wish to crumble, along with its practice! You refuse to consider it's flaws because it benefits you! Such egocentricity should be the crime, and yet here you are, freest of them all!"

"So you admit you're rebelling me. You intend harm on me. Such threats will not go without charge."

The coo had become a resonating hiss of impressive speed. The other's face fell. She'd regained power.

"My heritage designates me your ruler. Other implications will not be tolerated. But, as I am a merciful ruler-"

They scoffed.

"I will offer you a few choices. Would you like to hear them?"

"Or what?"

"You consent to the first option which you do not yet know the terms of."


"Very well." The softness returned. "The first choice," she held up a gloved finger," is going to the dungeon. I will have your cell within sight of your lover, but no closer. You'll be together at least. I can assure you that. The second choice consists of the both of you joining my servants and-"


"If you prefer, dear. You'll join them. You'll be together, yes, but it's a much lower station than the one you have now. Oh, and I have right to any bastard children you may produce."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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