Hello! My name is Rebecca. But my friends calls me Becca. I'm 13 years old, and I was born with a rare condition, Heterochromia. Heterochromia is an eye-condition. I have two different eye colours!
I have a secret... I travel in my dreams. Like actually travel. One time I was at a strange island, that I never saw before. And i fell and I felt the pain. And I was...there. It happens all the time. My dreams are my World!! I get hungry, tired and even thirsty in them!
You see, I am home-schooled because of my condition. So I can sleep mutch. As I fall asleep, a dreem is starting.
My dreems are like.. i dunno.. I am dreaming of being a beach, and i am there in my next dream too! Like in some series. I have peace in them. Well.. almost. I HATE nightmares.
But I want to tell ya, about my recent dream...