Chapter Twenty Six "Reunion (Part Two)"

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[24th June 2020, Thursday]
{9:00 p.m.}

Woolf coughed violently, gasping for fresh air after he woke up from a horrible headache. Eyes watering from all the smokes that entered his eyes during the forest fire. He leaned against the stone hard wall as his vision slowly came back to him.

All the wolf he could saw was the cold darkness. The stars in the sky barely lighting up the dark sky. He slowly walked out of the cave, along bumping into the walls sometimes. He took some deep breaths as he finally able to breath normally.

"Never knew so much happened in one day..." Woolf mumbled weakly, realising it was night time already.

All of those different types of memories swam back to his mind. His friends's deaths, the explosion, his friend's betrayal, the forest fire, the smokes... Thinking all those memories made water rushing down his cheeks silently as the wolf just wanted to screamed in anger.

And he did...

He doesn't care the murderer heard him. He doesn't care that he would woke up anyone during their sleep. He doesn't care anything. He just wants everything back to how it is before. All of those jokes they made back in their days... oh how he wish he could hear one of it from his friends right now...

"Woolf-?" A voice interrupted him.

Woolf flinched as he turned his head towards the direction of the voice. He saw his friends, Joocie standing there, looking a bit white pale, slightly burn marks all over his body along with his eyes looking at him with worry.

Joocie smiled weakly at him as he walked beside him, looked at the sky with the stars too. He took a deep breath. "Woolf... have you ever wonder why are we even suffering from this?" He questioned, looking away from the sky.

Woolf hesitated before shook his head in response. He raised an eyebrow at him, wondering does his yellow friend knew why.

"We might not know why this murderer is doing this to us but remember whatever happen... we will make it out alive of this island." Joocie said in a calm tone. "But what if we couldn't? What if we couldn't find our friends? What if they were already dead? What if we ended up just like them? What if..." Woolf trailed off, thinking all of those negative possibles just made the situation worse.

"Let's not think of those negative things first... we have to have faith in ourselves" Joocie calmly spoke, his gaze landing back at the dark sky.

"We should have some rest first. Tomorrow morning we will headed off to find our friends and some basic needs" Woolf explained after a moment of silent, walking back inside the cave with his yellow friend following behind.

[25th June 2020, Friday]
{9:00 a.m.}

(Finally not the same day anymore 🤣)

"After I escaped... I ran into the fire with no hesitation since I know my captor doesn't go into the forest fire before after setting it on fire..." Blaza paused. "After like five minutes, I found you unconscious on the ground, barely alive" He continued explaining since Meme asked him how he found him.

Meme nodded in understanding as he ate the last bit of his breakfast which is burnt fish. It wasn't really tasty but it was the best they could have right now since they were near the sea.

"We should probably get going. Since the whole forest is burnt out, it might be more easier finding our friends" Meme said as he stood up along with Blaza. "We could go check Woolf and Joocie if they are still in the cave..." Blaza suggested. "If you remember the path to the cave..." he added.

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