The Bow to her arrow

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It's the thought of being young
When your heart's just like a drum
Beating louder with no way to guard it

                                            .•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤°  °¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤°•.

"Bye dad", they waved at their dad who blowed a kiss back. They entered the dojo and looked around. Everywhere, kids in their age were sparring together. The other kids were already so good, how would they ever catch up? The panic that had been gone for so long had finally started to settle in. "Just breathe", they thought. 

They didn't even know why they were so worried, they had been doing this since the age of 5. They knew what they were doing. Just as they started to regain their breath, the instructor, Miss Jameson, arrived. "Hello, you must be Miss Marelli. How are you, Armani?". Armani looked at Miss Jameson. She looked like she was in her 50's, with her gray hair carefully put up in a bun with only a hair clip to hold it. And her gi (training clothes) was a bit too big for her, but the black belt held it up. "Good, and you?". "I'm very good, thank you", she smiled. "So I've heard from your father that you've been doing jiu jitsu for a long time and that you're very close to a black belt. Is that so?", Miss Jameson questioned her. Her eyebrows raised, that made Armani panic. Armani answered, their voice almost a whisper. Clearly nervous. "Yes, I've got the diploma if you want to see it", they had already began to look through their bag, way too used to coaches who didn't believe them. 

Miss Jameson saw the look on Armani's face and began to chuckle. "Oh darling, you don't need to. I believe you, your father already showed me it. So, take your bag into the women's locker room on the right and change, then I'll meet you here in 5 minutes". The 'woman' part made Armani wince on the inside, but what Miss Jameson didn't know wouldn't hurt her. "Alright". 

                                *time skip bc I'm the author and you're the reader*

When it all seems like it's wrong
Just sing along to Elton John
And to that feeling, we're just getting started

                                              .•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤° °¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤°•.

Armani found their way to the dojo again and saw Miss Jameson. They were starting to panic again, so they started to hum along to 'Don't let the sun go down on me'. That song always calmed them down during these moments. It was amazing how Elton John could deliver such emotion into his songs. Miss Jameson turned around and smiled. "There you are. Kate here will be your sparring partner", and that's when Armani saw Kate. 

Her brown eyes held a spark that was all too captivating for Armani to resist and her black hair was in a high ponytail. She was a bit taller than Armani and her gi was perfectly fit on her, her black belt finishing off everything. "Hi, I'm Kate Bishop", she smiled at Armani as she brought out her hand. Her voice made Armani snap back to reality and she realised that she must've been staring. Armani took her hand and shook it as she smiled back. "I'm Armani Marelli". Miss Jameson clapped her hands and exhaled. "Now that's out of the way, you can begin sparring. Off you go, chop chop". 

As they made their way to the mat, Kate looked at Armani. "I'm gonna go easy on you, alright?". Armani just laughed and looked at her as they realised that she wasn't joking. "Oh, you're serious". Kate just raised her eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I be?", she scoffed. Armani just smirked. "Oh, no reason. Let's do this".  

When the nights get colder
And the rhythms got you falling behind
Just dream about that moment
When you look yourself right in the eye, eye, eye
Then you say

                                          .•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤°  °¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤°•.

As the sparring began, Kate lunged forward and Armani simply just dodged her by moving to the left. Armani started to fight back and everybody stopped to see the fight. Kate and Armani kept on blocking each other's attacks, one of them occasionally getting a hit. You'd think that they've been sparring with each other for ages. As Kate dodged Armani's arm, she took it and twisted it behind Armani's back, gaining the upper hand. Pushing Armani to the ground face first, she straddled Armani from behind and lowered head just above Armani's right ear. "I told you", she whispered. 

Permission to dance - Kate Bishop x non-binary ocWhere stories live. Discover now