Gross Feeling

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[It was any old day, Cavendish and Dakota were in the time van, after eating all of that fast food, Dakota wanted to go home and lay down]

Dakota: ugh man my stomach hurts so bad

Cavendish: well no wonder, that alien device made you forget you ate all of that rubbish

Dakota: I'm going to take a nap and see if this stomachache goes away

Cavendish: alright, but be sure to be up soon, we have to get up bright and early for work tomorrow and if you're sleeping you won't be tired enough to go to bed tonight

[Dakota nods, and gets the throw pillow on the couch that was next to him]


[Cavendish is cooking some food in the kitchen, when he hears Dakota suddenly bolting to the bathroom]

[Cavendish drops everything he's doing to go see what the ruckus was all about]

[He finds the door slightly open, he pulls the door open and finds Dakota bent over the toilet vomiting into it]

Cavendish: good heavens, Dakota!

[Cavendish walks over to Dakota and rubs his back]

Cavendish: I wonder what caused this?

Dakota: well I-

[His sentence gets cut off with a gag]

Dakota: I don't like fish sandwiches because my stomach doesn't usually agree with them

Cavendish: oh Dakota I'm so sorry, that bloody device made you eat all of them

[Dakota was about to talk, but he's cut off by more vomiting]

Cavendish: im going to go prepare the bed for you

[Cavendish leaves the bathroom to go get everything ready, he got a fan, a garbage bin, a cup of ginger ale, and some crackers, he also grabbed Dakota's favorite stim toys and his favorite pillow]


[Once Dakota is sure he is done, he brushes his teeth and goes to lay on the sofa again]

Cavendish: Dakota what are you doing on the sofa again?

[Dakota doesn't answer]

Cavendish: I prepared a spot on the bed for you, you should go lay in there instead

[Dakota tries to get up but he flops back down, he feels weak from the food poisoning]

Cavendish: you poor thing, here let me help you

[Cavendish slowly helps Dakota up from the couch, and helps him walk over to the bed, he helps him lay down and get under the covers as well]

Cavendish: you should rest, I'm going to call you in sick for tomorrow

[Cavendish starts to exit their bedroom when Dakots stops him]

Dakota: wait no Cavendish, please don't leave

Cavendish: why is that?

Dakota: can you lay down with me?

Cavendish: well Dakota I-

[He stops his own sentence, Dakota is really sick right now and he probably feels horrible]

Cavendish: alright sure, but only until you fall asleep

[Cavendish lays down in bed with his husband, he starts to stroke his hair he kisses behind his ear, Cavendish says

Cavendish: im sorry this happened to you Dakota

[Dakota is a bit groggy, he is about to fall asleep]

Dakota: eh,,well it was technically my fault for pulling up even after that kid in the drive through told me not to

Cavendish: oh shush, it wasn't your fault Dakota

[Cavendish continues to stroke Dakota's hair]

[A few minutes later, Dakota is asleep]

Cavendish: Dakota? Dakota are you asleep now?

[After receiving no answer, Cavendish slowly gets up from the bed and tiptoes out of the bedroom, gently closing the door]

[Cavendish goes into the living room and sits down on the armchair, he gets an empty feeling like something is missing, it was Dakota, he wasnt interupting him and it felt well,,,,off , he turns on the lamp and pulls out a book]

[Cavendish's story is interupted by the sound of Dakota opening the door, he smiles seeing that Dakota is up]

[Cavendish shoots up from his chair]

Cavendish: is everything alright? Are you going to get sick again?

[Dakota stands in the doorway of the bathroom, he had a confused look on his face]

Dakota: well not right now atleast, im just taking a leak

Cavendish: oh, well alright then

[Dakota uses the bathroom, and then walks back into the bedroom]

[He then comes back out, he walks into the bathroom again]

Cavendish: why are you back out here Dakota? Didn't you just use the bathroom?

Dakota: Cav I'm gonna pu-

[Dakota hurries and covers his mouth, he runs over to the toilet and starts vomiting again]

[Cavendish walks in the bathroom and stands over Dakota, rubbing and patting his back]

[After he's done, Dakota brushes his teeth again and heads to bed]

[A few minutes later, Cavendish walks in and starts to get into his pajamas]

Dakota: hm? Cavendish,,what are you doing? It's only 8:30, why are you going to bed this early

Cavendish: well if I'm being completely honest Dakota, its boring without you, without your funny remarks at the dinner table, or your suprise hugs, its honestly really boring, so I decided I'll stay in bed with you until you recover from this sickness

Dakota: huh, well thank you Balthy,,,I never knew you felt that way about me before,,,I always thought I was coming off as annoying to you

Cavendish: good heavens no! It may seem like that, but I do not mean it like that at all, I apologize if it seems like that

Dakota: its ok Cav, now I know

[They both continue conversating until they fall asleep]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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