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Mint Choco held his head down, making sure to keep a low profile. Although he enjoyed being noticed and having fans compliment his music, today he wanted to do something different. He never forgot about his roots, his humble beginnings. Playing on the street, scraping by, just enough with his low paying job.

The hood he wore was black, the opposite of his white performance jacket. It was pretty thick, the sleeves of the jacket went just a bit farther than his hands, and a hood covered his hair and face. With his free, gloveless hand, he held his violin case, it swaying with his quick movements across the sidewalk.

He looked up at the people around him. Everyone doing their own thing, dealing with their own lives. He saw a street performer playing by a cafe. Smart move.

How he wished to join the man in playing, letting his music instinct join in with the song he played. Unfortunately, he needed to go someplace different.

He crossed a busy street, vehicles watching him as he crossed. It felt like walking up onto a stage, so many eyes watching, waiting patiently.

A small smile formed on his face as he chuckled to himself, his breath clouding his face a little bit.

Finally, he found the fountain, where his whole journey began. With a grand smile, he reminisced about his beginnings, remembering the woman who first supported him in his wild ride.

He hadn't seen her since that day, and although it upset him, he continued, not letting it dishearten him. Surely she wouldn't want him to quit playing. So keep playing, he did. And all of that playing led him to where he was today. One of the most renowned musicians in the city.

He walked up to the fountain, passing by people who were all too busy for their own good. He set down his violin case next to the base of the fountain, picking up his mint green violin.

With a smile and a sigh, he closed his eyes. He let his jacket fall, revealing his messy hair and the light green undercoat he wore. He didn't bother to do his hair today. It would be like it was before, back when he played for that woman. Cocoa Cookie.

Then he started to play. Despite there being so many people in the crowd around the fountain, it felt as if it was only him. And he appreciated that feeling.

He envisioned a world where it was only him and Cocoa. Her swaying to his music and humming with him, as they had used to do together. How he missed her, her sweet voice and happy smile when he'd play.

He never knew what happened to her. She just disappeared one day. It was as if she was just something he'd made up in his mind.

Slowly, he felt his heart pour into his music more than he'd ever felt. His heart ached. He loved playing, but this whole experience felt so bittersweet without her.

He kept playing, people walking by, glancing at him as they kept moving along. Their moods and hearts seemed to change with his emotions.


There it was. She heard the heavenly melody playing that she had always loved. It was so strong, it lured her out of the cafe she always went to when she felt down.

He hadn't forgotten. She hadn't either, and she felt immensely guilty about not being there.

Work had devoured her and she had less time. She fell behind in her job, and by the time she had been fired and had time to visit the fountain again.. he wasn't there. It broke her heart. She learned what had happened to him weeks later, finding out he'd become a top musician. She was happy for him. Even if she wasn't there, she knew he was thriving in what he loved to do.

She quickly rushed towards that beautiful fountain once again to see the man she had missed so dearly.

There he was. His green jacket, mint violin and checkered scarf, even. His hair was messy and natural.

Her eyes almost welled up with tears. She ran up to him, making sure not to bump into anyone. Her hat fell off on the way to him.

She took a few breaths as she stopped to look at the man. Mint Choco's breath was shallow, his expression crossed into a stern, almost upset face, eyes closed. "Mint Choco.." she muttered to herself. Her heart sank, but pounded so fast, happy to see him again.

He played the last note of the song, the note fading as his eyes opened, opening with the fading of the note. Cocoa's mesmerized face greeted him back.

The two stared at each other as Mint Choco's violin fell to his side.

"You didn't forget."

Both of them said to each other. Cocoa's eyes shimmered, her hands folded as she looked down. "I'm.. I'm sorry."

Mint Choco let out a heartbroken chuckle, his smile uncontrollably wide. "Cocoa, god.." he walked up to her, instrument still in hand.

She looked back up at him. "I'm so sorry for leaving." She wrapped her arms around him as he did.

"It's okay." He whispered, slightly rocking with her. "It's okay."

The two separated, looking into each other's eyes. Cocoa's face was still in a mesmerized frown. A few cold tears stained the brims of her eyes, as did his.

A smile appeared on his face, as he brushed one of her eyes of a tear, making sure to keep his instrument out of the way. "Cmon, where's the smile after a performance?"

Her head shook, her whole body felt like it was shaking, yet she was standing perfectly still. "I.." she didn't know what to say. She looked down at the floor.

"It's okay." He repeated, letting one of his hands pet her long, beautiful brown hair. "Why don't I buy you a cocoa and play a song for you. It's one I've been wanting to play for you for a long time." She stared at his passionate eyes, nodding a little.

He bummed happily. "You dropped your hat, by the way."

She looked back at where she'd run from. The hat was still on the floor, everyone walking around and past it. A small smile crept up on her face. "Heheh, yeah.. I know." She said. She went and grabbed it, putting it back on her head.

Mint Choco smiled, setting his instrument into its case. "C'mon, then." He held out his hand for her as she walked back to him. "Let me treat you for treating me with your presence, Cocoa." A sly smile, the one she'd see him have during his concerts, was on his face. With a small giggle, she took his hand.

The two walked away from their origin place, happy to be with one another again. She loved the man with all of her heart, as did he.

Mint Choco led her to her favorite cafe. They'd occasionally gone to the place back when he was just a street performer, she'd treat him to a cocoa and a delicious meal.  He was always thankful to her for that.

The warm atmosphere and beautiful smell of the cafe greeted them as they entered. They both had wide smiles. A waitress greeted them as they went to a booth to sit. Cocoa sat first, hands in her lap, her white gloves ever so elegant with the rest of her outfit.

"What would you like, lady Cocoa?" He winked at her, bowing.

With a laugh, she told him to get her a glass of cocoa with marshmallows.

Minutes later, he had the glass in his hand and he slid it to her. She took the glass with both of her gloves hands and smiled at him, taking a sip of the steaming drink.

He bummed happily, taking his violin again. "Now," he started. "Here's a piece I've written just for you, Cocoa Cookie." He spoke softly, only for her to hear. He stood up, standing next to her.

The music to his most favorite piece began to play from his beloved violin. The piece "Dear Cocoa" played in the small cafe.

Heads turned and were mesmerized by the beautiful playing of his.

But none were more mesmerized and happy than Cocoa Cookie and Mint Choco Cookie were, to be together again.. and forever.


Aaaaand cut. There it is, my third one. Don't know how to feel about this one yet, but damn my heart feels like it's aching lmao. (In a good way though)
Hope y'all enjoyed. Let me know what you guys thought in the comments :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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