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"It's the impenetrable stronghold! Will Raimon succeed in breaking through?!" the commentator said

"That's totally a stronghold, not a soccer team." Goujin said and passed the ball to me, I passed the ball to Michinari

"But there's gotta be a way to break through it!" Michinari said then he passed the ball to Kozoumaru

"I'II try hitting it first and see what happens!" Kozoumaru said

kozoumaru is on his way to do what he's planning until someone beeps on our wrist and that's our eleven band, with a written "defense only ♥︎^w^"

"He wants us to keep defending even in a real match?" Asuto said

"Of course, he probably wouldn't have tell us to practice defense and long passes if we didn't do that in the match itself." I said to Asuti

"Y-you're right" Asuto said

|end of first half, at the bench|
"Hey, Zhao Jin Yun! When are you gotta let us do some offense?!" Goujin said

"In the best case scenario, we'll end up with a draw at this rate." Hiro said

"But then we'll be finished! Let us attack already!" Kozoumaru said

"Coach! We've managed to take soccer back. That's why we want to see how far we can go in the football frontier and play with all of our might!" Asuto said

"In that case, go right ahead and play defense with all of your might. If you attract now, it will only be a waste of time and energy." Coach said

|second half|
The second half is starting! Who will cut open the path to victory? Raimon or Minodouzan?! the commentator said

Asuto quickly steals the ball to the opponent, Minodouzan immediately tightens their defense, Goujin passed the ball to me and I passed it to Hiro and Hiro passed the ball to Asuto, We are literally just repeating what we are doing, Asuto passed it to me again and I passed it to Kozoumaru and kozoumaru passed the ball to Goujin, Suddenly our eleven band beeped with a note "Warning for you all don't defend, and you're off the team for good ♥︎^w^"

"I'm not taking anymore of this! Let's go Asuto! We don't have to listen to what that shady guy says!
Let's attack!" Goujin said

"But..." Asuto said

"Let's move up!" Goujin said

"Don't do it! Don't do it just yet. This isn't the right time to attack." Kozoumaru said

"Finally! someone kinda understand it." I thought

"What the hell are you talking about? Not the right time to attack?!" Goujin said

"Yeah." Kozoumaru said

"Why not?" Goujin asked

"The answer might be found by doing what's opposite." Kozoumaru said

"Opposite!" Goujin and Asuto said in sync

|no ones pov|
"Hmm... Raimon's No. 11 is using his head." the guy said

"What do you mean?" the guy with him asked

"He's realized what that coach is after." the guy said

|your pov|
"What do you mean, not now?! I wanna attack!" Goujin said

"Are you dumb or what! when you attack you will waste time trying and you will lose energy! And are you sure that when you attack you can overtake their tight defense and you can score!" I said to Goujin

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