Day 1 | Camping |

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▕ Thurs, 1:56 PM▕   

D: ✆ "Hmm, Ken, are you up for a trip this Sunday with Mikey and                                                               Matt 

 K: ✆ "This Sunday? I don't mind." 

  D: ✆ "Good, good! We would've forced you either way haha." 

  K: ✆ "Rude, that'd be attempted kidnapping." 

  D: ✆ "It isn't in my book. Anyways, see you Sunday dude!?

  K: "Sure thing."


▕ Sat, 5:46P M▕   

  D: "How about this place, it looks cool to camp at right?" 

  K: "Ehh, looks sorta creepy if I'm being honest.." 

 Mt: "Haha, Kendrick being scared?? Never imagined that."

 Mk: "For real, but I think that spot looks okay."

I stare at the image and feel a slight uneasiness in my stomach, hoping we don't camp there. Plus, I'm not even a big fan of camping! I've never gone camping before, maybe to the park and sitting in the grass but in a forest that looks like it's haunted? Never. 

  Mk: "Yo, Ken you good? You seem a bit tense. Is the forest giving you the creeps?                                   haha."

 K: "Me? No, it's just.. Doesn't it look a bit uhh, unsafe?" 

 D: "Come on Mikey, don't tease him." 

Mk: "I'm not teasing, I'm making sure poor Kenny is alright." 

I pick at the extra scraps of my finished plate with my fork, hearing them fuss over teasing me or not. Besides probably going to camp at a creepy forest - I'm happy I can spend time with my friends -

  Mt: "Got something on your mind, Ken?" 

  K:  "I'm fine, just kind of tired." 

  D:  "You seem off, are you sure you're okay? We don't have to camp at this forest                                    you know?"

  K:  "I don't mind camping there, I'm not scared of it." 

 All:  "Good!" 

Okay, I lied but they obviously wanted to camp there. I can't be a wuss and just ruin the fun. I'm sure it's not going to be as bad as I think it will; hopefully, at least. They are going to be there with me as well. 

We all walk out of the restaurant ready to head home

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We all walk out of the restaurant ready to head home. I glance at Devi and walk a little closer to him. 

 K:  "I can't wait to go camping with you, well you guys." 

 D: "Same, it's going to be a good long-lasting memory."

 Proceeding to keep my pace with him, fixing my breathing - I was breathing fast, and plus, my face gets heated for some reason. Can't believe I said that either, god. 

( I know, I'm a good artist

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( I know, I'm a good artist.) 

D: "Make sure to pack a lot of stuff, we'll be there for like 2 days? Also, pack some food of your own as well." 

K: "For sure, I don't really eat that much so I won't pack toooo much food." 

D: "Oh, I mean it's understandable. You don't look like the type to devour food as much I do! You have a fit, small body."  

Devi laughs as the others are following from behind, on our way to the car.

K: "I- I do? Well, thank you, uhm..." 

My face flusters and I cover my face with my arm for a few seconds before recovering. I shouldn't react like this, I shouldn't. He's a guy and I am a guy, but he also complimented my body. Perhaps he has an interest in me or is that just him being nice. AHHHHHHHH. 

D: "You good?"

K: "Yeahh, thank you."


▕ Sun, 8:46 AM ▕

Mk:✆ "We're currently outside your house, chop-chop you snail." 

 K:  ✆ "I'm on my way, just getting my bags you toe face." 

Mk:✆ "Wow okay. I do not look like a toe." 

K:   ✆ "The mirror says otherwise.." 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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