➼ group outing

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ANOTHER week passed and you recovered from your cold

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ANOTHER week passed and you recovered from your cold. to thank albedo, on tuesday you decided to give him some home baked cookies, to as which he appreciated very much - even though everyone else ended up eating them too

today was saturday and yanfei had planned a group outing to a theme park (funded by ajax ofc) just before exam season rolled around

the plan was for everyone to meet at the place and to go from there. since you and albedo were already close by to eachother you decided to go there together to make things easier

meeting with him near the elevator you gave him a little wave to which he returned and you both made your way to train station. after paying for tickets there was quite some time before your train would depart since it was currently 8:10am and your train was to leave at 8:45am

"hmmm what should we do?"
"there's a bit of some time before our train comes and i can tell that you're not willing to wait out on the platform for another half hour"

"definitely not when it's this cold"
"should we get a hot drink?"
"i'm pretty sure i saw a starbucks when we were getting tickets"

"sure that works for me"

"alright let's gooo!"


arriving at the cafe the two of you found a couch in a corner and placed your bags down before going up to order. albedo decided to get a warm coffee with whipped cream and you ordered (drink choice)

after picking up your drinks you made your way back to the table where you both talked about certain topics such as the new minecraft update which came out not that long ago and one other thing

"that reminds me, when i was with klee she mentioned something about you and spiders"
"care to explain? hahaha"

(editing) 𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙈𝙚, 𝙐𝙨 |  𝗔𝗹𝗯𝗲𝗱𝗼Where stories live. Discover now