I love El. I mean I have to because she's my twin sister but that gives her no right to do all the awful things she does. You're probably asking what she does. Well I'm the one who does the dirty work. What's awful is I like my job for certain reasons. El never liked Louis. She liked money. That's where I come in. I pretend to be El for the dates and things but El goes shopping with Louis and asks for money. Its annoying and awful. It makes me feel so guilty. Probably because I'm in love with him. Wait,You didn't just hear that. I'm not in love with Louis. That's crazy. I kinda like my job sometimes though because Louis is the sweetest and Funniest guy ever.Wait,no that's not I it. I never said that. Ugh I'm so pathetic. I think I'm in love with Louis. If you want to read more about my twisted tale I'm ready to tell you all my story