The Howl (1st series)

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A Horror experience for two friends Jack And Samuel

The alpha (Lead of the wolves),Had been infected by an anti-worm virus.It had turned into a ghoul Beast!

Complete Changed with a new immune system the strength of a grizzly bear speed of cheetah sharp as an eagle and the size doubled  and guess what It senses warm blood from 2 kilometer

Well, that's the thing to worry about if someone has a wound they are gone for good!

Back in New York two of a family  plan to go on a road trip for 14 days

They start their journey with a bag full of chips, burritos, pizza loaded with cheese, and three cokes

well, those things are mouth watery but little did they that hunger would be gone in a few hours..

They hit the road at 3:15 pm and on there they filled gas on an old woody gas station

On their way they find a deer half-eaten and left to rot 

The younger ones in there were confused to see a dear eaten in that way.

He told his parents that it was a Rampage Lion. His brother starts laughing and rolling on his seats tells his brother that you are an over-reactive kid with extra imagination thoughts

When they reach a little further they a see a bunch of dead dears and A wounded grizzly bear

Now the younger says that this is definitely a rampaging animal. All of them in disbelief starts to stare at the scene suddenly they hear a sound in the bushes their dad roars the engine and takes the car back and reverse it and go back to another rusty old road 

When they head back the small boy goes to the back seat and peeps through the back windows 

Suddenly the ghoul beast starts streaming towards Their dad steps on the accelerator and drives the car like a buggy car 

the alpha beast stops at a certain point and howls at them in anger 

Well that's definitely scary to hear but in the scene the children and their dad's hearts to thump so fast now they head back towards the different road 

The wolf was so precocious that it took a shortcut in the woods and was waiting in the outpost of the exit to the jungle the Saliva of the wolfy beast was falling to the ground it was growling in anger at the arrival of the car.

 In the car The father then started to call the animal helpline he was praying for the phone to connect 

Suddenly the car crashed into a pole the bumper burst out of the car the child

the children scream started to faint out, they all fell unconscious...

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