Chapter 21

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I apologize for chapters being slow to come lately- I've had a basketball game nearly every night, and a whole slew of other things, which actually won't clear up until March, and then it's Track. My life is sooooo busy ha-ha.



I'm not sure if I'm awake, for a long time. There are things that I hear, people that I see, but they're not real. I nearly fall out of the tree, twice.

And then I do.

Somehow, somehow I don't die. The fog in my mind clears, a little, and I roll myself over. My arms shake as I push myself up. In front of me is a girl, frozon in place, with one hand out, as if to protect herself. Not creeper behavior.

My mind takes in as much of her as I can see of her- tan skin, brown eyes and hair, white teeth. She reminds me a bit of an old friend, in a strange way. 

I mean to say something, to break the silence between us, but I can't nither of us have anything to fight over; that much I can see from the deflated bag on her back.

In both of us, the terror fades. I sit up, slowly. I she is a creeper, I don't have a chance, but... She isn't. There's something in her way, the look in her eyes that's human. Creepers- they don't roll like that. 

She sterightens out, and I pull myself to my feet. 

There's an agreement, reached, by both of us. She turns and walks off, the way she came, as I go back to the tree from which I fell. There was something there, something you never could quite find before. I'm sure she could've killed me, weather she knew that or not. 

I don't know what it was. 

It's something about my humanity, though. Something, that I'm not sure about. 

I feel better; I'm not delirus, nor am I seeing things, and I think my feaver's gone down. I take two advil- does that help with fevers? Mom gave me some, once when I had the flu. 

But I can't get out of my tree. My limbs shake every time I try. I want to scream in frustation. Can something go right, for once? 

Apparently not. 

"Damn it!" I shout it al the top of my voice, until it hurts like hell. I'm going insane. Not like the usual insane that a housewife says, when her children are out of control- it's the kind of psycoloical insane that makes me want to put a bullet in my head.

Too bad I don't have a bullet. 

Or much of head, really, either. 

There was this Edgar Allen Pole story that I did a report on freshmen year, about this guy during The Spanish Inqusition, were he goes mad watching a pendulum swing slowly down to kill him, 

I'm paranoid, too. The birds songs that I found so lovely not long ago, now make me jump. Everything seems darker. 

And I still can't get out of my tree. Every time I try, I know that if I jump, I'll die. It's really dumb, but I just can't forve myself to do it. 

I am insane. 

Like, how do you even deal with that? Oh, hey, I'm going insane, and, oh, also, I'm stuck in ther widerness without a weapon up against a bunch of bloodthirst zombies! Great!

Well, at least I still have sarcasam. 

I suppose when that goes, we're all pretty screwed. As night falls again, I feel better. No more fever, although a take a libral amount of Advil before attempting sleep again. 

I pull my legs into my chest, looking out. It's cloudy again- I don't even attempt to put a blanket under me, because it's so freakin' cold. I remeber back home, you would get these annoying April days, in the middle of Febuary. We could run around on the school grounds, playin two-hand touch with the seniors. It was like the world was teasing us about how we still had four months of school left. 

I remeber, there was this guy, Harvey. He was like my best friend, but he went back to Massacusets during the summer, so I never got to see him, but we had fun times. As far a cliques go, I was always with the jocks. I hardly belonged around them, since I wasn't real great at many sports, nor was I a cocky, stuck-up, son of a gun. Really, I should've been with the kids that were always getting picked on and teased by my friends. 

Harvey was one of those kids. 

He was short and a little nerdy, with buck-teeth and a big smile. We always hung out in Science Olympiad, building stuff, because nither of us had any other friends in the class. Whenever we played football, I would invite him, to, you know, be nice. He always refused until this one January day, in which Coloradro was being bipolar. It had snowed like a bitch the day before, and now the sun was shining. I had asked him if he wanted to play, expecting his usual "I'll just watch". 

But he didn't. He wanted to play this time, and play he did. I was never all that good, because there was like this no-takling rule, and I was pretty damn good at throwing all one-hundred fifty pounds of me at people. It's a natural-born talent for some. 

So, Harvey kicked major ass, and one of my big offensive linemen friends got mad. We had a really great varsity football team- like three state championships in a row, and now half of them just got shown up to by a five foot six kid who would much rather sit indoors and play Xbox. 

The hero Cassy would've stood up for the nerdy kid would couldn't do so for himself. But, see, I just stood there like an idiot. And even though I could sit indoors all day and play that I was the great hero of my story, I'm not. I'm selfish and concided, and I do what I can to survive. 

It;s nice that is a good thing is this world. 

It sounds dumb, but I cry. I cry for Harvey, because he's most certianly dead now; if that really was an EMP, then there had to be a massive nucular blast to accompany it. The logical place to hit would be the capitol, which is far enough away from Massacusets, but... Things in any city will be majorly screwed up. 

Everyone I've ever known is dead, probubly.

Advil makes me a pessimist. 

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