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The girl named MINA was a normal girl like everyone else but there was something different about her. She always dreamt that she will be something really good like her family was hoping for. Her family had really high hopes for her, she liked it but it was really high hopes and she was afraid that she's gonna disappoint her family especially her father. She really loved her family even tho sometimes it was difficult. She would say bad things and then regret it. After she moved to another country she didn't speak the language and was bullied for that. She wanted to be like others and know the feeling of knowing the language. MINA didn't have any friends and was always alone in the breaks and in classes even when the class had to do a group project she was always alone, no one liked her and everyone thought she was weird. She was really sad but brushed it off and continued the life she always had and didn't change anything... . After 2 years MINA and her family moved to another city. It meant new school and new "friends"... After moving to the new city she went to school and nothing changed, she was alone again but then she just had one friend and MINA was so happy that she made a friend her frien's name was SHADOE. It was her only friend at the beginning at least. But still she wasn't good at the language and needed help. She got help the from teachers. But at home she and her brother really loved video games and always played it. The most games she and her brother played were CLASH OF CLANS and PUBG. MINA was obsessed with CLASH OF CLANS, she always played it and never learned and the when she had test she didn't learn to and got F's. After many months she stopped playing and started studying. She got better and better and she got another friend to her name was ANNA she was a very shy girl and wasn't really good at the language too. MINA helped her with the language and became best friends. But then there is where everything went wrong. MINA didn't have the thing she wanted or do. Her hobbies were Football volleyball, basketball and boxing too she really liked it but never went to do any of it and that's where it began with her lies about have a team, she and her team where doing Basketball, volleyball and football. She was always lying about it and told her friend ANNA and SHADOE about it. She always said she had a best friend that she never had and her best friend's name was AARON. But that friend never existed and it was in her imagination. She always imagined that she was a star that could do anything and some people from underworld came to destroy the earth and she and her friend AARON YUKI AND CORNER were super stars and everyone knew then. The group MINA imagined was THE IDOLISH 4. She imagined that she and her group could beat him. She was even imaging that they took her and made her a psychopath. The "bad guys" who were to destroy the earth were always chasing her and were gonna take her back to where the "boss" was and do experiments on her and MINA would help them destroy the earth. MINA was always imaging that her school was there and watching her run away from the bad guys and seeing how strong she was and no one could beat her even the bad guys but the "boss" could do it. That was her imagination every day or at least when she was in bus or train. But then she still wasn't good in school and did a year again. Her friend ANNA were in the same class and SHADOE was in another class. MINA was always lying about her friend ARRON being in love with ANNA and having her photos which made ANNA worry and scared. ANNA thought to herself that it was impossible that someone did something like that and thought that MINA was lying. MINA was still continuing that shit and lying and of course her imaginations too. After some months her friend SHADOE changed school and there was only she and ANNA they were best friends even when MINA was lying ANNA believed her and always asked questions but MINA always found answers and made ANNA more scared. After one year ANNA changed school and MINA was all alone again like she always was. She regretted what she did to ANNA and was really sad about it. But she finally opened up and had another friend her name was NINA but still continued with her lies about being in a team and having a best friend whos name is AARON and her imagination too. But she never lied about other things like with ANNA and SHADOE. Then 2 other students came to her class and began to become friends. Their names were LISA and ETHAN. LISA AND MINA were good friends more than MINA with ETHAN, they were good friends and did many things with each other then again LISA went to another city and left her 2 friends alone MINA and ETHAN. MINA AND ETHAN became really good friends or better said best of best freinds they were always together and did everything together like group project and these things. After the had lock down they were in online school but still they did everything together and wrote with each other. After the lock down they became friends with NINA and were always together and did everything together they were the best trio. After they had the new year of school ETHAN went to his other friends in breaks and left MINA and NINA alone NINA was always talking about other boys and MINA didn't like it but NINA was still a good friend and helped MINA and ETHAN but sometimes she annoyed MINA about talking and repeating what she said. Then a boy named REY came to ETHAN and his friend TIARA they were friends so wanted MINA too. She wanted to be friends with ETHANS friends they this really happened, they were friends always hanging out with each other and MINA was always happy. But she still didn't stop about her imagination but instead it got bigger and bigger she even lied to REY about someone bothering her because she is friends with him and the girl likes him and want MINA to stay away from him but the poor REY believed it. After MINA found out that one of her class had a crush on REY she was mad and didn't know why but perhaps she herself had a crush on REY but didn't want to admit her feelings. She lied about the girl who had a crush on REY that she was talking with her and saying like she likes him so much and wants to be with him. It wasn't really a lie but still, MINA even lied about other girls bothering her cause of REY and the poor REY didn't know... After some time nothing happened and then again MINA lied this time big and was about to get caught or maybe she got caught. REY didn't trust her anymore and she was really down she regretted everything and didn't have the will to live she wanted to die and didn't about her family or other friends. She could've gotten help but MINA didn't. She regretted it and didn't have the courage to apologize to REY and was embarrassed. She really liked REY but still wasn't admitting her feelings. One day she came home really sad and didn't have the will to live so she searched for ways how to die or how to suicide... She found many ways but didn't have the courage to do it after a few days she searched again and found a way how to suicide. The way was physical and mental, she tried it for a whole month she didn't eat much nor had any emotions she was just like a robot. Her family and even her friends ETHAN NINA TIARA and even REY were helping her but it never succeeded. One day MINA told REY to meet her at a park and there was a bridge too REY didn't know what MINA wanted but still went there. After they met MINA apologized for everything and REY was happy about it and thought everything would go to normal how good friends they were but little did he know what MINA was planning....
After clearing everything MINA confessed to REY, REY was surprised and was speechless he didn't know what to say. When he was about to say something he saw MINA at the edge of the bridge. He begged her to stop and talk again or how many times MINA wanted or needed. But it was late after MINA jumped he didn't know what to do and some people saw it and called the emergency. When the emergency and the police arrived it was late and MINA was dead her dream came true.... The police asked things and REY was answering after her family came too they blamed REY for it and even REY he felt like a big hole in his heart. Her friends, school family were really sad and missed her they never knew a girl like MINA would do something like this as I said everyone had high hopes for her not just her family. She was tired and wanted to end everything and that's what happened she did it... REY ETHAN TIARA and NINA didn't expect this to happen.

But who knows maybe this was for the best to be dead and maybe some people are happy cause of her dead so even if you die some people will be happy BUT I'm sure most of them are gonna be sad and miss you so don't give up and fck everyone hates you or wants to make you give up ;)

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